Il giorno 29/set/2012, alle ore 01:44, Jesse Gross <> ha 

> Does this actually require changing the main loop?  If it really is
> the poll related changes that you mention it seems like they could be
> contained to the netdevs and userspace datapath.  You could handle a
> batch of packets each time through the main loop.

Well, I see what you mean. Indeed, it was me that raised the issue on the list. 
But the poll related changes I mentioned where just an hypothesis. Take the 
batching issue you are referring to, for example: if I disable batching in the 
threaded datapath (just put batch=1), performance drops by  ~20% only. From 
this I get that the big problem with the existing loop lies elsewhere. I am not 
saying that it really needs drastic changes, only that it might, and we had no 
time to investigate. This is only in reply to your question of why we continued 
down this road. 

I understand that our lack of time is no good reason to accept a patch. On the 
other end, I tried to push it anyway since it solves a real problem for FreeBSD 
people, maybe also PlanetLab users, and possibly others.


Dr. Ing. Giuseppe Lettieri
Dipartimento di Ingegneria della Informazione
Universita' di Pisa
Largo Lucio Lazzarino 2, 56122 Pisa - Italy
Ph. : (+39) 050-2217.649 (direct) .599 (switch)
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