On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 12:01:45PM -0700, Justin Pettit wrote:
> Thanks for writing this up, Guru!  Since we do have integrators that
> are not porting this to hypervisors, I took a crack at making it
> less hypervisor-specific.  I've added my version below.  What do you
> think?
> By the way, we're accumulating a lot of docs in the root directory.
> What do people think about moving them to a "docs" directory or
> something?  Also, we use a number of number of different
> capitalization styles.  If this is the preferred style, should we
> think about renaming ones like "PORTING" to "Porting"?

This is a bad example:
>   ovs-vsctl set Bridge br0 other_config:hw_addr="01:23:45:67:89:0a"
First, because it's "hwaddr" not "hw_addr".  Second, because that is
an invalid MAC address (the multicast bit is set).

The description of "attached-mac" has some general information about
how hypervisors typically work that might be promoted up a level.  It
also doesn't mention that the host-side MAC is often not unique
(XenServer uses a fixed value of FE:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF, I think).

I recently added a carefully worded description of iface-status to
ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(5).  If you didn't already read it, it might be
worthwhile, to see if one description or the other might be improved.

On an editorial, there seems to be a lot more passive voice than
necessary here.  One small excerpt:

    The Open_vSwitch table is used to describe the switch as a whole.  The
    'system_type' and 'system_version' columns are used to identify the
    platform to the controller.  The 'external_ids:system-id' key is used
    to uniquely identify the physical host.  In XenServer, the system-id

can be written more actively as:

    The Open_vSwitch table describes the switch as a whole.  The
    'system_type' and 'system_version' columns identify the platform
    to the controller.  The 'external_ids:system-id' key uniquely
    identifies the physical host.  In XenServer, the system-id...

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