The goal of this document is to give some information to
the integrators that plan to use OpenvSwitch in multiple
hypervisors running multiple VMs.

Signed-off-by: Gurucharan Shetty <>
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+Open vSwitch integrates smoothly with XenServer.  The externally
+visible interface to this integration is hypervisor-agnostic.  We
+encourage anyone who integrates Open vSwitch with a hypervisor to use
+the same interface, because keeping a uniform interface means that
+controllers require less customization for individual hypervisor
+platforms (perhaps no customization at all).
+This document describes the suggested Open vSwitch interface to
+hypervisors and the rationale behind it.  The XenServer integration is
+the most mature implementation, so most of the examples are drawn from
+Hypervisor integration centers around the Open vSwitch database and in
+particular the 'external-ids' column in several of its tables.  Each
+'external-ids' column contains string key-value pairs.  Nothing inside
+Open vSwitch itself interprets these key-value pairs.  Instead, they
+provide information to a controller that permits the controller to
+associate a database record with a more meaningful entity.  The main
+job of the integrator, then, is to ensure that the various
+'external-ids' are correctly populated and maintained.
+An integrator can set the columns in the database by talking to the
+ovsdb-server daemon.  Few of the columns can be set during the system startup
+by calling the ovs-ctl tool from inside the startup scripts.  You can look at
+xenserver/etc_init.d_openvswitch as an example or refer to the ovs-ctl(8)
+manpage.  ovs-vsctl can be also be used to set the columns in the database.
+You can look at xenserver/etc_xensource_scripts_vif as an example or refer to
+the ovs-vsctl(8) man page.
+Using the Python or C bindings provided by Open vSwitch is another way.  An
+example of using the python bindings is the ovs-xapi-sync daemon in the
+XenServer.  You can look at this code in
+xenserver/usr_share_openvswitch_scripts_ovs-xapi-sync.  More information for
+the python bindings is available at python/ovs/db/  Information for the
+C bindings is available at lib/ovsdb-idl.h.
+The following diagram shows how integration scripts fit into the Open vSwitch
+        +-----------------------+             +-----------------+
+        |Integration scripts    |             |   Kernel        |
+        |ex: ovs-xapi-sync      |             +-----------------+
+        +-----------------------+                     |
+                    |                                 |
+                    |                                 |
+        +-----------------------+             +-----------------+
+        |    ovsdb-server       |<----------->|  ovs-vswitchd   |
+        +-----------------------+             +-----------------+
+                    |                                 |
+                    |                                 |
+        +-----------------------+                     |
+        |   Controller          |---------------------|
+        +-----------------------+
+For more details about the database and each individual column, please
+refer to the ovs-vswitchd.conf.db(5) manpage.
+The 'external-ids' column in the following tables, if set with appropriate
+key-value pairs by the integration scripts, can be used by the controllers to
+create, remove, migrate or control the VMs in a more efficient manner.
+Open_vSwitch table
+The 'external_ids' column in the 'Open_vSwitch' table is used to set
+multiple key-value pairs with information about the host/hypervisor running
+Open vSwitch.  One example for the key is 'system-id' which can uniquely
+identify the hypervisor.
+You should ideally set this in a start up script using ovs-ctl.
+ovs-ctl --system-id="${UUID}" "${other_options}" start
+You can also set this using the following ovs-vsctl command.
+ovs-vsctl set open_vswitch . external-ids:system-id='"${UUID}"'
+In XenServer, this will likely be the same as the UUID returned by
+'xe host-list' and is set in one of the startup scripts.  This key helps
+controllers distinguish among multiple hypervisors.
+You can set the 'other_config' column with a key-value pair of
+'enable-statistics="true"'.  This causes OVS to populate the database with
+hypervisor statistics, such as the number of CPUs, memory, system load, etc.,
+for the controller's use.
+You can also set some appropriate values to the 'system_type' and
+'system_version' columns through ovs-ctl tool that will let you differentiate
+between different host software types and versions.
+Bridge table
+The 'external_ids' column in the 'Bridge' table is used to set multiple
+key-value pairs with information about a particular bridge.  One example for
+the key is 'bridge-id' which uniquely identifies a bridge.  In XenServer,
+this will likely be the same as the UUID returned by 'xe network-list' for
+that particular bridge.  A controller uses this unique key to identify a
+bridge, get its name, and then run some commands for that particular bridge.
+ovs-vsctl -- --columns=name find bridge external-ids:bridge-id='"${UUID}"'
+You can also set the 'other_config' column with a key-value pair of
+'hwaddr="xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx"'.  This field should have the MAC address of the
+Interface table
+The 'external_ids' column in the 'Interface' table is used to set multiple
+key-value pairs with information about a particular interface.  Some of the
+examples for the keys are:
+This field contains the MAC address of this interface as seen inside a VM.
+Typically in Linux based hypervisors, a tap interface is created and the VM
+sees this as a physical NIC with a valid MAC address.  The VM’s kernel writes
+L2 frames to this interface and the frame makes it to the bridge.
+This field uniquely identifies the interface, to allow the controller to
+follow VM network interfaces as VMs migrate around a collection of hypervisors.
+A well-chosen identifier should also allow an administrator or a controller to
+associate the interface with the corresponding object in the VM management
+system.  For example, the Open vSwitch integration with XenServer by default
+uses the XenServer assigned UUID for a VIF record as iface-id.
+There are situations where there are multiple interface choices in the
+hypervisor for a single virtual ethernet interface inside a VM.  An example
+for this situation is vif and tap interfaces in the XenServer.  XenServer uses
+vif interfaces for para-virtual enabled VMs and tap interfaces for regular
+VMs.  But only one interface can be used at a time.  This external id can have
+the value 'active' or 'inactive' to indicate the interface that is currently
+under use.  One can probably also use this external id for more complicated
+strategies like VM migration.
+This field uniquely identifies the VM to which this interface belongs.
+A single VM can have multiple interfaces attached to it.  This value will allow
+an admin or controller to configure or add flows to the bridge based on the VMs
+to which they belong.
+An administrator/controller can use the above identifiers to get the 'ofport'
+associated with this interface and then manage an OpenFlow flow.
+Ex: ovs-vsctl -- --columns=ofport find interface \

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