Hi Ben,

Thank you for the detailed information!  I read this part of the code,
and have some confusion. Can you please review the following to see if
my understanding of code is correct?

1) ofproto/ code is userspace code, and datapath/ code is the actual dp code.
2) ofproto handles the rule insertion from control plane, and datapath
handles the actual flow lookup.
3) resubmit is handled in userspace? I saw the resubmit logic
xlate_nicira_action() is in ofproto I didn't see find any code in
datapath that handles resubmit, not even in ovs-ofctl.c. Is
xlate_nicira_action() doing flow insertion with resubmit action or
actually performing the dp actions? I am confused.

What is the relationship between ofproto userspace and the dp code?
what is the difference between xlate table action and odp action?

I think I am very confused, if there is any documentation I can read
to understand this design better, would you please give me a pointer?


On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 11:30 AM, Ben Pfaff <b...@nicira.com> wrote:
> It's documented in nicira-ext.h:
> /* Action structures for NXAST_RESUBMIT and NXAST_RESUBMIT_TABLE.
>  *
>  * These actions search one of the switch's flow tables:
>  *
>  *    - For NXAST_RESUBMIT_TABLE only, if the 'table' member is not 255, then
>  *      it specifies the table to search.
>  *
>  *    - Otherwise (for NXAST_RESUBMIT_TABLE with a 'table' of 255, or for
>  *      NXAST_RESUBMIT regardless of 'table'), it searches the current flow
>  *      table, that is, the OpenFlow flow table that contains the flow from
>  *      which this action was obtained.  If this action did not come from a
>  *      flow table (e.g. it came from an OFPT_PACKET_OUT message), then table > 0
>  *      is the current table.
>  *
>  * The flow table lookup uses a flow that may be slightly modified from the
>  * original lookup:
>  *
>  *    - For NXAST_RESUBMIT, the 'in_port' member of struct nx_action_resubmit
>  *      is used as the flow's in_port.
>  *
>  *    - For NXAST_RESUBMIT_TABLE, if the 'in_port' member is not OFPP_IN_PORT,
>  *      then its value is used as the flow's in_port.  Otherwise, the original
>  *      in_port is used.
>  *
>  *    - If actions that modify the flow (e.g. OFPAT_SET_VLAN_VID) precede the
>  *      resubmit action, then the flow is updated with the new values.
>  *
>  * Following the lookup, the original in_port is restored.
>  *
>  * If the modified flow matched in the flow table, then the corresponding
>  * actions are executed.  Afterward, actions following the resubmit in the
>  * original set of actions, if any, are executed; any changes made to the
>  * packet (e.g. changes to VLAN) by secondary actions persist when those
>  * actions are executed, although the original in_port is restored.
>  *
>  * Resubmit actions may be used any number of times within a set of actions.
>  *
>  * Resubmit actions may nest to an implementation-defined depth.  Beyond this
>  * implementation-defined depth, further resubmit actions are simply ignored.
>  *
>  * NXAST_RESUBMIT ignores 'table' and 'pad'.  NXAST_RESUBMIT_TABLE requires
>  * 'pad' to be all-bits-zero.
>  *
>  * Open vSwitch 1.0.1 and earlier did not support recursion.  Open vSwitch
>  * before 1.2.90 did not support NXAST_RESUBMIT_TABLE.
>  */
> struct nx_action_resubmit {
>    ovs_be16 type;                  /* OFPAT_VENDOR. */
>    ovs_be16 len;                   /* Length is 16. */
>    ovs_be32 vendor;                /* NX_VENDOR_ID. */
>    ovs_be16 subtype;               /* NXAST_RESUBMIT. */
>    ovs_be16 in_port;               /* New in_port for checking flow table. */
>    uint8_t table;                  /* NXAST_RESUBMIT_TABLE: table to use. */
>    uint8_t pad[3];
> };
> OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct nx_action_resubmit) == 16);
> and in ovs-ofctl(8):
>              resubmit:port
>              resubmit([port],[table])
>                     Re-searches  this OpenFlow flow table (or the table whose
>                     number is specified by  table)  with  the  in_port  field
>                     replaced  by port (if port is specified) and executes the
>                     actions found, if any, in addition to any  other  actions
>                     in this flow entry.
>                     Recursive  resubmit actions are obeyed up to an implemen‐
>                     tation-defined maximum depth.   Open  vSwitch  1.0.1  and
>                     earlier  did  not  support recursion; Open vSwitch before
>                     1.2.90 did not support table.
> On Thu, May 03, 2012 at 09:54:08AM +0800, YIMIN CHEN wrote:
>> Hi Ben,
>> Thank you for  your reply! I saw there is some code about resubmit
>> Nicira extension action, but that seems to be in userspace ofproto.c,
>> not in datapath, so I didn't know that is related. Could you help
>> clarify for me how does resubmit work?
>> Thanks!
>> Yimin
>> On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 12:40 PM, Ben Pfaff <b...@nicira.com> wrote:
>> > On Wed, May 02, 2012 at 10:53:10AM +0800, YIMIN CHEN wrote:
>> >> I am looking at ovs dp code, and is looking at a correct way for a
>> >> flow to traverse the table twice. The goal is like this:
>> >>
>> >> flow lookup => tbl_lookup()
>> >> perform actions => execute_actions() which changes the packet
>> >> flow lookup using the new packet => tbl_lookup()
>> >> perform actions on the new packet => execute_actions.
>> >
>> > Do you want the "resubmit" Nicira extension action?
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