On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 09:44:17AM +0900, Simon Horman wrote:
> This is a first pass at adding include/openflow/openflow-1.2.h to
> include enum and struct definitions for Open Flow 1.2 that
> are not already covered by Open Flow 1.1.
> Signed-off-by: Simon Horman <ho...@verge.net.au>

There are still some "uint<N>_t"s in here.

I'm not sure why this modifies openflow-1.1.h.  Should that go in the
previous patch?  Also, I think that this new ofp11_port_stats_request
is a candidate to have the ofp11_stats_msg header incorporated into

I think that the differences between ofp11_flow_mod and ofp12_flow_mod
are illusory.  The only difference is that the OF1.1 version embeds an
OF1.1 flow match and that the OF1.2 version embeds an OF1.2 flow
match.  I think it would be better to use a structure that just
contains everything up to the flow match and deal with the differences
in the flow match separately.

Similarly, ofp11_flow_stats and ofp12_flow_stats are actually
identical except for the flow match, so it'd be better to just have a
structure with the common parts and the flow match part left out.

I'd leave out ofp12_aggregate_stats_request.

I don't think that the ofp12_match structure will really be useful in
this form.  If we just defined an "ofp_match_header" that just
contains length and type, we could probably use that somewhere.

I don't think experimenter stats are actually different in 1.1 and
1.2, although the sections are worded differently.


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