Hi all, the following is a snippet of code taken from the netdev_linux_create_system() function in lib/netdev-linux.c. It wants to attach a callback to interfaces status change events. The notifier is unique for all devices so it is created when the first port is attached to the switch and deleted when the last port is removed(in netdev_linux_destroy()). I can't understand why this code is present only in netdev_linux_create_system(), while it is missing in netdev_linux_tap_create(). Does anybody have an explanation for that?
... if (!cache_notifier_refcount) { error = rtnetlink_notifier_register(&netdev_linux_cache_notifier, netdev_linux_cache_cb, NULL); if (error) { return error; } } cache_notifier_refcount++; ... thanks. -- gaetano catalli _______________________________________________ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/dev