> I applied this, does it help?  Or you can suggest better wording.

Yep, seems clearer to me.  Thanks


> diff --git a/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c b/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c
> index b9a27ae..93bc0d2 100644
> --- a/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c
> +++ b/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c
> @@ -4034,8 +4034,10 @@ done:
>  * has the same form (that is, the same wildcards), except that the table is
>  * also allowed to have a single "catch-all" flow that matches all packets.  
> We
>  * optimize this case by tagging all of the facets that resubmit into the 
> table
> - * and invalidating the same tag whenever a flow changes in that table.
> - */
> + * and invalidating the same tag whenever a flow changes in that table.  The
> + * end result is that we revalidate just the facets that need it (and 
> sometimes
> + * a few more, but not all of the facets or even all of the facets that
> + * resubmit to the table modified by MAC learning). */
>  /* Calculates the tag to use for 'flow' and wildcards 'wc' when it is 
> inserted
>  * into an OpenFlow table with the given 'basis'. */
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