On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 11:51:05AM -0700, Pravin Shelar wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 11:17 PM, Jesse Gross <je...@nicira.com> wrote:
> > The use of the checksum for actions surprised me a little bit, as it
> > is semantically equivalent to what we have today but perhaps not as
> > accurate. ?Ben made a couple of good suggestions in the previous
> > thread about how to do this cleanly and generically. ?Did you run into
> > problems with those?
> AFAIU, Ben was suggesting to have cookie set from userspace. that
> cookie can be returned on upcall. so that userspace can validate flow
> used in kernel datapath. Other part was about keeping flows which are
> deleted and updated. so that sflow can lookup those flows if required.
> I thought cookie can be generated in kernel using checksum and return
> it to userspace. In this way we do not need to change user-kernel
> interface when sflow need extra information as it has exact flow that
> kernel used.
> Actually it is mentioned in previous mail thread.

I was proposing two steps.  In the first step, userspace would set a
cookie that directly encodes information needed for sflow output.  In
the second step, userspace would set a cookie that uniquely identifies
a version of a flow.  The second step is harder because userspace has
to keep around old versions of a flow for a while (the hardest part is
figuring out when they can be discarded, I think).

A checksum ties the set of actions to a flow.  That's all we need for
sflow, although it means that we either need to keep around old
versions of a flow, as in the second step above, or just discard
sampled packets for old versions (I think that your patch does the
latter).  It is not as general a solution as a unique identifier,
because when a flow's actions change from A to B and then back to A
there is no way to distinguish whether a sampled packet corresponds to
the first or second time that A was set.  (That doesn't matter for
sflow.)  That's a corner case; I don't know if it's important.  And,
of course, the IP checksum only probabilistically tells us whether
there was a change.
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