As I wrote, rebranding could be done with a major version.

The OpenOffice wordmark is a registered trademark, the ASF spent a lot of money on it.

I can only repeat: Time is better spent on an icon set for Dark Mode. This what AOO *really* needs.



Am 17.08.23 um 16:31 schrieb Corentin Verbrèghe:
Hi, I especially don't want to change the seagulls because I know they are 
important and represent OOo then AOO since creation. On the other hand I think 
that the wordmark can be changed while keeping the seagulls. Cordially, Manjiro

De: Matthias Seidel
Envoyé: Jeudi 17 août 2023 16:25
Objet: Re: AOO Brand new logo proposal


Am 16.08.23 um 23:35 schrieb Pedro Lino:
Hi Manjiro

On 08/15/2023 11:27 PM WEST Corentin Verbrèghe<>  

Do you see the message ? If yes, tell me. Cordially C.Verbreghe
Yes, we do see your messages.

Hi, I would like to propose a brand new logo for Apache OpenOffice. I
don't not know if I contact the right place. I wish that it be implemented
in the next minor version of AOO if possible, the 4.1.15. What do you think
A major change such as the main logo can not be implemented in a minor release.
4.1.15 is a micro release. 4.2.0 would be the next minor release.

Rebranding *could* be done with a major release (5.0).

In any case if you mean the main OpenOffice logo (the blue circle with the 
white seagulls), I believe is not that easy to change as it is the Trademark 
for this project.
Our brand and logo is recognized all over the world.

I would be careful to change it...



I'm not a lawyer so those with more knowledge please jump in.

All the best,

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