Am 30.12.22 um 20:52 schrieb Matthias Seidel:
Hi Peter,
What version of make do you use?
Ahh thanks. Ubuntu uses 4.3 which you said already reported as not an issue.
I will have to look at different systems.
Am 30.12.22 um 20:44 schrieb Peter Kovacs:
Hello all,
I managed to Build AOO trunk on Ubuntu 22.04. The build has been rough
and with a lot of Issues.
I would like to write the issues here for documentation.
1, 2 and 3 are Issues on the old dependencies we build. All other
Issues was on our Code as far as I understand.
1) CoinMP
1.1) dmake builds with C17 standard
I have seen a lot of warnings that register is not allowed to use with
C++17 Standard.
(I worked around from building the Library directly and then use dmake
in order to continue.)
1.2) Macro Variable not set.
In the file CoinFinite.cpp the following code has not worked through:
# include <cfloat>
I was not able to figure out how to fix this. I did just add the
include line again without the ifdef condition.
I had to do 3 Adjustments.
2.1) in one line is follort by an assert statement, which triggers a
error in g++.
workaround: Added a linebreak
2.2) A warning that a Pointer is returned.
See following discussion:
In fact I added following Change:
Just be carefull with line 143. Just add pAllocated =
3) Boost
I had to change the file
I ended up changing and commenting out:
//template< typename Pred >(Pred::assert_arg( void (*)(Pred), typename
assert_arg_pred<Pred>::type ));
//template< typename Pred >(boost::mpl::not_<Pred>::assert_not_arg(
void (*)(Pred), typename assert_arg_pred_not<Pred>::type ));
I am not sure if this is a local issue, or if this is in general. The
lines look odd. (it is line 186 if you want to have a look.)
4) osl mutex
I commented out the following code:
#if defined LINUX /* bad hack /
int pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np(pthread_mutexattr_t *, int);
#define pthread_mutexattr_settype pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np
Not sure what the background is, but it compiled afterwards.
5) CUI
I had this issue before. And I am not able to figure out what the
issue is exactly. Maybe my version number is wrong.
$(eval $(call gb_Library_add_defs,cui,
So I skipped the line for now:
My line:
--with-build-version="aoo4ever-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") - $(uname
-sm)\n ${GitHash}"
I will have a look if I can change something in order to improve this.
I had no other issues with the build. Especially the Issue Matthias
has reported did not appear.
I will keep looking on the Issues Matthias has reported. I assume this
is more a Windows Issue.
I hope this information is useful to some.
Have a good new years end party. :)
All the best
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