Hi Peter,

What version of make do you use?



Am 30.12.22 um 20:44 schrieb Peter Kovacs:
> Hello all,
> I managed to Build AOO trunk on Ubuntu 22.04. The build has been rough
> and with a lot of Issues.
> I would like to write the issues here for documentation.
> 1, 2 and 3 are Issues on the old dependencies we build. All other
> Issues was on our Code as far as I understand.
> 1) CoinMP
> 1.1) dmake builds with C17 standard
> I have seen a lot of warnings that register is not allowed to use with
> C++17 Standard.
> (I worked around from building the Library directly and then use dmake
> in order to continue.)
> 1.2) Macro Variable not set.
> In the file CoinFinite.cpp  the following code has not worked through:
> [...]
> #ifdef HAVE_CFLOAT
> # include <cfloat>
> [...]
> I was not able to figure out how to fix this. I did just add the
> include line again without the ifdef condition.
> 2)SQLite
> I had to do 3 Adjustments.
> 2.1) in one line is follort by an assert statement, which triggers a
> error in g++.
> workaround: Added a linebreak
> 2.2) A warning that a Pointer is returned.
> See following discussion:
> https://sqlite.org/forum/info/eadcdb7058803d20
> In fact I added following Change:
> https://www.sqlite.org/src/vdiff?branch=cgo-warning-workaround&dc=20
> Just be carefull with line 143. Just add pAllocated =
> 3) Boost
> I had to change the file
> main/solver/450/unxlngx6/inc/boost/mpl/assert.hpp
> I ended up changing and commenting out:
> //template< typename Pred >(Pred::assert_arg( void (*)(Pred), typename
> assert_arg_pred<Pred>::type ));
> //template< typename Pred >(boost::mpl::not_<Pred>::assert_not_arg(
> void (*)(Pred), typename assert_arg_pred_not<Pred>::type ));
> I am not sure if this is a local issue, or if this is in general. The
> lines look odd. (it is line 186 if you want to have a look.)
> 4) osl mutex
> main/sal/osl/unx/mutex.c
> I commented out the following code:
> #if defined LINUX /* bad hack /
> int pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np(pthread_mutexattr_t *, int);
> #define pthread_mutexattr_settype pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np
> #endif
> Not sure what the background is, but it compiled afterwards.
> 5)  CUI
> main/cui/Library_cui.mk
> I had this issue before. And I am not able to figure out what the
> issue is exactly. Maybe my version number is wrong.
> $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_defs,cui,
> So I skipped the line for now:
> My line:
> --with-build-version="aoo4ever-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") - $(uname
> -sm)\n ${GitHash}"
> I will have a look if I can change something in order to improve this.
> I had no other issues with the build. Especially the Issue Matthias
> has reported did not appear.
> I will keep looking on the Issues Matthias has reported. I assume this
> is more a Windows Issue.
> I hope this information is useful to some.
> Have a good new years end party. :)
> All the best
> Peter

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