On 06.01.22 16:09, Matthias Seidel wrote:


Am 06.01.22 um 15:28 schrieb Wang Xiancheng:
You are right, Matthias.

Good to know!

And another thing that needs to be fixed... ;-)

Do we have a Ticket for this? Could it be related to Issue 125255 [1]?



Best Regards.

On 01/6/2022 21:39,Matthias Seidel<matthias.sei...@hamburg.de> <mailto:matthias.sei...@hamburg.de> wrote:

    Hi all,

    The problem seems to be AOO looking for updates. An error occurs
    and AOO
    will be closed.

    On macOS go to menu "OpenOffice - Preferences - OpenOffice - Online
    Update" and disable "Check for updates automatically".

    That should help.



    Am 06.01.22 um 14:15 schrieb Peter Kovacs:

        Have you confirmed that the application is what you want to
        use in
        respect of the Gatekeeper?


        Section: For macOS users

        BTW, since you are writing to the development list. You are
        not maybe
        willing to help to translate Apache OpenOffice to your language?

        We could use translators. For example we do not have Release
        Notes in

        All the best


        On 06.01.22 12:00, Wang Xiancheng wrote:

            Hi Peter,
            thanks for your kindly help.
            I know where the problem is.  For I am in China. I used
            VPN and it is
            OK to download.

            But I found that the OpenOffice 4.1.11 can not work well
            on MacOS, it
            will exit after a while when I open it.

            Best Regards.

            On 01/6/2022 16:10,Peter Kovacs<pe...@apache.org>
            <mailto:pe...@apache.org> wrote:

                try https instead of http:


                On 06.01.22 01:42, Xiancheng Wang wrote:

                    Dear Sir/Madam,
                    I can’t download the openoffice from

                    Would you please help me?

                    The error from browser is:

                    Problem description  Exchange this text to
            describe the problem

                    (What does not work? What do you expect?)
                    Browser variables  Values
                    navigator.appCodeName  Mozilla
                    navigator.appName  Netscape
                    navigator.appVersion  5.0 (Macintosh)
                    navigator.platform  MacIntel
                    navigator.oscpu  Intel Mac OS X 10.15
                    navigator.cpuClass  undefined
                    navigator.product  Gecko
                    navigator.productSub  20100101
                    navigator.language  zh-CN
                    navigator.browserLanguage  undefined
                    navigator.userLanguage  undefined
                    navigator.systemLanguage  undefined
                    navigator.userAgent  Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh;
            Intel Mac OS X
                    10.15; rv:95.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/95.0
                    Debian / Ubuntu / IceWeasel ?  No / No / No
                    Stable Release
                    JavaScript functions/variables  Values
                    Language ISO code  zh-CN
                    Language ISO code (from select box)  zh-CN
                    Release matrix platform position (full)  9
                    Release matrix platform position (lp)  10
                    Release matrix platform array data  y,153
                    Release matrix language array data  zh-CN,Chinese
                    UI platform name  OS X (version >= 10.7) (DMG)
                    UI platform name (not supported)
                    Platform (short)  mac64
                    URL platform name (full)  MacOS_x86-64_install
                    URL platform name (lp)  MacOS_x86-64_langpack
                    URL platform name (from select box)  mac64
                    Version (from select box)  4.1.11
                    File name
            (full)  Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.11_MacOS_x86-64_install_zh-CN.dmg
                    File name
            (lp)  Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.11_MacOS_x86-64_langpack_zh-CN.dmg
                    File extension  .dmg
                    File size (full) (MB)  153
                    File size (lp) (MB)  13
                    Release info  Milestone AOO4111m1 | Build ID 9808
            | Git hash
                    bdb20b2a64 | Released 2021-10-06
                    Download file link (full)

                    Download file link (lp)

                    Checksum file link (full) (SHA256)

                    Checksum file link (lp) (SHA256)

                    Base URL to SourceForge.net

                    Base URL to Apache Archive
                    getLinkSelection() (download URL)  undefined
                    isLanguageSupported() (true/false) ?  true
                    Show the sub-box (true/false) ?  true
                    General error (true/false) ?  false

                --     This is the Way!

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