On 28/05/2021 Dave Fisher wrote:
If the concern is a GPL build tool that we do not distribute (that is allowed) 
and what we distribute is PD w/ a Notice request then I don’t see any issue.

The concern, by reading comment 3 in the issue,
was about the license of the SVG files themselves.

And indeed anyone can check the commits in the issue and open, e.g.,
and then the source to see the GPL reference mentioned by Herbert (hdu) in the issue:

<cc:license rdf:resource="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/2.0/"; />

Now, it could be that icons were relicensed after they became part of OpenOffice. While Wikipedia is definitely not a trusted source, it talks about a public domain relicensing in 2009 due to the original terms being too restrictive.

I tried opening an SVG from
and indeed I can't see the GPL reference in the SVG any longer.

In short, a possible explanation should be: we were carrying GPL icons and deleted them due to license incompatibility, but in the meantime, and independently, those icons had been relicensed to avoid excessive restrictions; so they might be allowed now, even though we may want to find something nicer than Tango.


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