Am 04.11.20 um 00:04 schrieb Dave Fisher:
Wait a bit more.
On Nov 3, 2020, at 2:56 PM, Marcus <> wrote:
Am 03.11.20 um 22:57 schrieb Dave Fisher:
Current status in line!
On Nov 2, 2020, at 10:45 AM, Jim Jagielski <> wrote:
Dave, your work in this migration is greatly, greatly, appreciated !
Thank you very much.
thank you very much for this big effort. Even when I can see the countless
commits you have done until now, I can only roughly imagine how big and
invaluable this work is.
On Nov 2, 2020, at 1:42 PM, Dave Fisher <> wrote:
Hi -
I am in the process of migrating content from SVN to Git.
All content has been migrated aside from
(1) The api pages. I ran into a limitation on the number of pages (~16384) in Jbake.
I excluded those since there are roughly 8000 pages. I think that these pages should
be made part of the <> site.
Anything else to move there?
In the past we had the following separation:
Everything for and about the OpenOffice software
Everything for and about the OpenOffice project
When we agree to go on with this, then I thin kthe API still belongs to the
w.oo.o site.
OK then - I’ll need to consider options. We may need a twice baked site. This
is priority (4)
(2) Jbake uses Freemarker-java for Markdown support. It uses a Pegdown dialect
that does not support class and id setting in the Markdown. I’ll need to
remigrate the product and why pages to switch to a line of plain html. I’ve
tested the concept.
There are some 333 files to address. Most are “easy”, but I still need to
figure out the product pages with their icon images. This is priority (3) (and
instructions will need adjustment.)
(3) I deleted four EXE files from within the pl site’s Archive. I don’t think
we should host exe files.
Full ACK
Staging is getting interesting @
I migrated documentation and ran into a problem with a 330 MB file:
Github only allows files up to 100 MB. I will not migrate this file. I got
around the problem by erasing history. If anyone cares then perhaps I can find
a workaround, but I would rather not.
Take a look, but let me finish migrating content before making changes through
READMEs are not yet finalized.
Once I complete these then I can let people play with changes using Github.
I also have to retest and complete the Jenkins jobs.
There is now an OpenOffice folder on the new
<> master.
Are there already instructions how the new site works and how it can be edited?
Or do we need to wait a bit more?
The Jenkins setup redux is priority (1)
The instructions are priority (2).
Please wait for those.
I’m done for today.
thats OK, you have done already much. It would be right when you take a
break of 1-2 days. :-)
Thanks again
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