Am 03.11.20 um 22:57 schrieb Dave Fisher:
Current status in line!

On Nov 2, 2020, at 10:45 AM, Jim Jagielski <> wrote:

Dave, your work in this migration is greatly, greatly, appreciated      !

Thank you very much.

thank you very much for this big effort. Even when I can see the countless commits you have done until now, I can only roughly imagine how big and invaluable this work is.

On Nov 2, 2020, at 1:42 PM, Dave Fisher <> wrote:

Hi -

I am in the process of migrating content from SVN to Git.

All content has been migrated aside from

(1) The api pages. I ran into a limitation on the number of pages (~16384) in Jbake. 
I excluded those since there are roughly 8000 pages. I think that these pages should 
be made part of the <> site. 
Anything else to move there?

In the past we had the following separation:
Everything for and about the OpenOffice software
Everything for and about the OpenOffice project

When we agree to go on with this, then I thin kthe API still belongs to the w.oo.o site.

(2) Jbake uses Freemarker-java for Markdown support. It uses a Pegdown dialect 
that does not support class and id setting in the Markdown. I’ll need to 
remigrate the product and why pages to switch to a line of plain html. I’ve 
tested the concept.

(3) I deleted four EXE files from within the pl site’s Archive. I don’t think 
we should host exe files.

Full ACK

Staging is getting interesting @ 

I migrated documentation and ran into a problem with a 330 MB file:

Github only allows files up to 100 MB. I will not migrate this file. I got 
around the problem by erasing history. If anyone cares then perhaps I can find 
a workaround, but I would rather not.


Take a look, but let me finish migrating content before making changes through 

READMEs are not yet finalized.

Once I complete these then I can let people play with changes using Github.

I also have to retest and complete the Jenkins jobs.

There is now an OpenOffice folder on the new 
<> master.

Are there already instructions how the new site works and how it can be edited? Or do we need to wait a bit more?



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