I am +1, if not Matthias is the one who does everything.
It should be a community thing. We got some pictures from the french List.
If i.e. Pedro can create a patch to add them in, I think it is great.
I am kind of negative if in the End Matthias has to do it all alone.
We have to get more people get involved in such stuff.
I hope I could make myself clear on the constraints I see ;)
All the Best
Am 07.09.20 um 00:16 schrieb Matthias Seidel:
Hi Pedro,
Am 07.09.20 um 00:00 schrieb Pedro Lino:
Hi Matthias
On 09/06/2020 5:44 PM Matthias Seidel <matthias.sei...@hamburg.de> wrote:
Well, I didn't create a graphic for the Intro because I really think it
is not needed.
If others want one, this should be discussed.
Then let's discuss :)
I think that for a matter of consistency both screens should be kept similar.
Is it not what is done for a Test build or a Developer build?
I do it for my personal Test Builds and we did it for Dev Builds. But
there is no rule for it.
AOO 4.1.8 being a "normal" build (just happening around the 20th
anniversary) only needs a modified About graphic (IMO).
But I will step back, since I would be the one to do the work (as I
already did) and wait what others think of it.
So, which would be the proper folder and why don't you crate a Pull
Request? ;-)
I would say main/default_images/introabout?
Yes, but that would override our "original" graphic.
But only for branch 4.1.8 which will not be further developed?
Of course we can restore the old graphic in branch 419 when it is
branched off 418.
But I will not decide that, since it is easier for me to specify it in
I assume this does not affect the other branches. If it does, then it should be
somewhere else
A Pull Request cannot break stuff. It is easy to do on GitHub.
Pull? Shouldn't it be Push? I'm not sure if I won't break stuff and it's less
than a month for release...
Git calls it Pull requests: https://github.com/apache/openoffice/pulls
Branch 418 is almost 12 month old. And it will be released when it is
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