Hi Pedro,

Am 07.09.20 um 00:00 schrieb Pedro Lino:
> Hi Matthias
>> On 09/06/2020 5:44 PM Matthias Seidel <matthias.sei...@hamburg.de> wrote:
>> Well, I didn't create a graphic for the Intro because I really think it
>> is not needed.
>> If others want one, this should be discussed.
> Then let's discuss :)
> I think that for a matter of consistency both screens should be kept similar. 
> Is it not what is done for a Test build or a Developer build?

I do it for my personal Test Builds and we did it for Dev Builds. But
there is no rule for it.

AOO 4.1.8 being a "normal" build (just happening around the 20th
anniversary) only needs a modified About graphic (IMO).

But I will step back, since I would be the one to do the work (as I
already did) and wait what others think of it.

>>>> So, which would be the proper folder and why don't you crate a Pull
>>>> Request? ;-)
>>> I would say main/default_images/introabout?
>> Yes, but that would override our "original" graphic.
> But only for branch 4.1.8 which will not be further developed?

Of course we can restore the old graphic in branch 419 when it is
branched off 418.

But I will not decide that, since it is easier for me to specify it in

> I assume this does not affect the other branches. If it does, then it should 
> be somewhere else
>> A Pull Request cannot break stuff. It is easy to do on GitHub.
> Pull? Shouldn't it be Push? I'm not sure if I won't break stuff and it's less 
> than a month for release...

Git calls it Pull requests: https://github.com/apache/openoffice/pulls

Branch 418 is almost 12 month old. And it will be released when it is



> Regards
> Pedro
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