Hi Pedro,

Am 13.07.20 um 00:04 schrieb Pedro Lino:
> Hi Matthias, all
>> What we must not forget is that on October 13th we have the 20
>> anniversary of OpenOffice.org.
>> One way or the other, we need a working website around that time.
>> Additionally I would like to release AOO 4.1.8 and we must have a
>> working download page for that.
>> (Side note: At the moment I am the only volunteer for 4.1.8 but maybe
>> others show their interest?)
> Wouldn't it make sense to focus on 4.2.0 and make it the anniversary release 
> 4.20th on the 20th anniversary?
> Can't we motivate the developers to focus on this common goal and fix the 
> remaining release blockers?

The release blockers are not trivial and known for ages...

But maybe you have better luck than me (with motivating)? ;-)



> Regards,
> Pedro
>> Am 11.07.20 um 20:48 schrieb Dave Fisher:
>>> Hi -
>>> It’s time to start the process of migrating two of our websites from the 
>>> deprecated Apache CMS to a new method of building. This will be a major 
>>> undertaking and there are several goals.
>>> The sites are:
>>> https://openoffice.apache.org/
>>> https://www.openoffice.org/
>>> We have a CWiki page for planning at 
>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Website+Migrations 
>>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Website+Migrations>
>>> We have empty Git repos:
>>> https://github.com/apache/openoffice-project
>>> https://github.com/apache/openoffice-org
>>> The request is in to rename the “master” branch to “trunk”. These 
>>> repositories are currently empty.
>>> If someone has a “modern” design paradigm to suggest now is the time.
>>> If someone has suggestions for content to eliminate or move now is the time.
>>> I’d prefer to work out new site build mechanics on the project site first.
>>> Regards,
>>> Dave
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