Information about Infra IP Bans is here:

Please direct the Google engineer to that resource.


> On May 12, 2020, at 7:55 AM, Dave Fisher <> wrote:
> Are you sure you weren’t using instead of 
> curl -D headers does return the correct page.
> The robots.txt is this:
> curl -D headers
> User-agent: *
> Crawl-delay: 1
> Disallow: /en/forum/common.php
> Disallow: /en/forum/config.php
> Disallow: /en/forum/con.php
> Disallow: /en/forum/faq.php
> Disallow: /en/forum/mcp.php
> Disallow: /en/forum/memberlist.php
> Disallow: /en/forum/posting.php
> Disallow: /en/forum/report.php
> Disallow: /en/forum/search.php
> Disallow: /en/forum/style.php
> Disallow: /en/forum/ucp.php
> Disallow: /en/forum/viewonline.php
> Disallow: /en/forum/adm
> Disallow: /en/forum/cache
> Disallow: /en/forum/docs
> Disallow: /en/forum/files
> Disallow: /en/forum/images
> Disallow: /en/forum/includes
> Disallow: /en/forum/language
> Disallow: /en/forum/store
> Disallow: /en/forum/styles
> Disallow: /es/forum/common.php
> Disallow: /es/forum/config.php
> Disallow: /es/forum/con.php
> Disallow: /es/forum/faq.php
> Disallow: /es/forum/mcp.php
> Disallow: /es/forum/memberlist.php
> Disallow: /es/forum/posting.php
> Disallow: /es/forum/report.php
> Disallow: /es/forum/search.php
> Disallow: /es/forum/style.php
> Disallow: /es/forum/ucp.php
> Disallow: /es/forum/viewonline.php
> Disallow: /es/forum/adm
> Disallow: /es/forum/cache
> Disallow: /es/forum/docs
> Disallow: /es/forum/files
> Disallow: /es/forum/images
> Disallow: /es/forum/includes
> Disallow: /es/forum/language
> Disallow: /es/forum/store
> Disallow: /es/forum/styles
> Disallow: /fr/forum/common.php
> Disallow: /fr/forum/config.php
> Disallow: /fr/forum/con.php
> Disallow: /fr/forum/faq.php
> Disallow: /fr/forum/mcp.php
> Disallow: /fr/forum/memberlist.php
> Disallow: /fr/forum/posting.php
> Disallow: /fr/forum/report.php
> Disallow: /fr/forum/search.php
> Disallow: /fr/forum/style.php
> Disallow: /fr/forum/ucp.php
> Disallow: /fr/forum/viewonline.php
> Disallow: /fr/forum/adm
> Disallow: /fr/forum/cache
> Disallow: /fr/forum/docs
> Disallow: /fr/forum/files
> Disallow: /fr/forum/images
> Disallow: /fr/forum/includes
> Disallow: /fr/forum/language
> Disallow: /fr/forum/store
> Disallow: /fr/forum/styles
> Disallow: /fr/ci-joint
> Disallow: /hu/forum/common.php
> Disallow: /hu/forum/config.php
> Disallow: /hu/forum/con.php
> Disallow: /hu/forum/faq.php
> Disallow: /hu/forum/mcp.php
> Disallow: /hu/forum/memberlist.php
> Disallow: /hu/forum/posting.php
> Disallow: /hu/forum/report.php
> Disallow: /hu/forum/search.php
> Disallow: /hu/forum/style.php
> Disallow: /hu/forum/ucp.php
> Disallow: /hu/forum/viewonline.php
> Disallow: /hu/forum/adm
> Disallow: /hu/forum/cache
> Disallow: /hu/forum/docs
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> Disallow: /ja/forum/common.php
> Disallow: /ja/forum/config.php
> Disallow: /ja/forum/con.php
> Disallow: /ja/forum/faq.php
> Disallow: /ja/forum/mcp.php
> Disallow: /ja/forum/memberlist.php
> Disallow: /ja/forum/posting.php
> Disallow: /ja/forum/report.php
> Disallow: /ja/forum/search.php
> Disallow: /ja/forum/style.php
> Disallow: /ja/forum/ucp.php
> Disallow: /ja/forum/viewonline.php
> Disallow: /ja/forum/adm
> Disallow: /ja/forum/cache
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> Disallow: /test
> Disallow: /nl/forum/common.php
> Disallow: /nl/forum/config.php
> Disallow: /nl/forum/con.php
> Disallow: /nl/forum/faq.php
> Disallow: /nl/forum/mcp.php
> Disallow: /nl/forum/memberlist.php
> Disallow: /nl/forum/posting.php
> Disallow: /nl/forum/report.php
> Disallow: /nl/forum/search.php
> Disallow: /nl/forum/style.php
> Disallow: /nl/forum/ucp.php
> Disallow: /nl/forum/viewonline.php
> Disallow: /nl/forum/adm
> Disallow: /nl/forum/cache
> Disallow: /nl/forum/docs
> Disallow: /nl/forum/files
> Disallow: /nl/forum/images
> Disallow: /nl/forum/includes
> Disallow: /nl/forum/language
> Disallow: /nl/forum/store
> Disallow: /nl/forum/styles
> Disallow: /vi/forum/common.php
> Disallow: /vi/forum/config.php
> Disallow: /vi/forum/con.php
> Disallow: /vi/forum/faq.php
> Disallow: /vi/forum/mcp.php
> Disallow: /vi/forum/memberlist.php
> Disallow: /vi/forum/posting.php
> Disallow: /vi/forum/report.php
> Disallow: /vi/forum/search.php
> Disallow: /vi/forum/style.php
> Disallow: /vi/forum/ucp.php
> Disallow: /vi/forum/viewonline.php
> Disallow: /vi/forum/adm
> Disallow: /vi/forum/cache
> Disallow: /vi/forum/docs
> Disallow: /vi/forum/files
> Disallow: /vi/forum/images
> Disallow: /vi/forum/includes
> Disallow: /vi/forum/language
> Disallow: /vi/forum/store
> Disallow: /vi/forum/styles
> Disallow: /zh/forum/common.php
> Disallow: /zh/forum/config.php
> Disallow: /zh/forum/con.php
> Disallow: /zh/forum/faq.php
> Disallow: /zh/forum/mcp.php
> Disallow: /zh/forum/memberlist.php
> Disallow: /zh/forum/posting.php
> Disallow: /zh/forum/report.php
> Disallow: /zh/forum/search.php
> Disallow: /zh/forum/style.php
> Disallow: /zh/forum/ucp.php
> Disallow: /zh/forum/viewonline.php
> Disallow: /zh/forum/adm
> Disallow: /zh/forum/cache
> Disallow: /zh/forum/docs
> Disallow: /zh/forum/files
> Disallow: /zh/forum/images
> Disallow: /zh/forum/includes
> Disallow: /zh/forum/language
> Disallow: /zh/forum/store
> Disallow: /zh/forum/styles
> This has been the robots.txt file since: Last-Modified: Sat, 06 Jun 2009 
> 23:40:14 GMT
> Forum search uses phpBB
> We haven’t allowed search engines to crawl since before 
> the Oracle donation to the ASF.
> Crawlers IP addresses might be blocked by ASF Infra if their use is 
> excessive. That could give the 301.
> Regards,
> Dave
>> On May 12, 2020, at 3:55 AM, Peter Kovacs <> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> What I figured is that from the Google search tool the URL 
>> is not reachable.
>> So I checked with Duckduckgo (my prefered Search engine), they don't use 
>> crawler and point at the infra of Google, Bing and Yandex.
>> I checked then with Bing, but could not figure out to check bots feedback on 
>> an URL so I moved on
>> I checked with Yandex. They have a search URL test page. I have entered 
>> there
>> The Response is:
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> * Date: Tue, 12 May 2020 10:37:47 GMT
>> * Server: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)
>> * Location:
>> * Content-Length: 237
>> * Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100
>> * Connection: Keep-Alive
>> * Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> HTTP status code     301 Moved Permanently
>> Server response time         133 ms
>> IP address
>> Encoding     UTF-8(unicode-1-1-utf-8, UTF8)
>> Page size    237 B
>> I am not sure, what that means. HTTP Status Code moved Permanently reads 
>> wrong. I just dont know if this is the return code from our webservcer or a 
>> response code from the crawler.
>> I try to get someone from Infra. Or I'll open a ticket.
>> All the best
>> Peter
>> Am 12.05.20 um 10:39 schrieb Matthias Seidel:
>>> Hi Kay,
>>> Am 12.05.20 um 01:21 schrieb Kay Schenk:
>>>> On 5/11/20 12:33 PM, Matthias Seidel wrote:
>>>>> Hi Kay,
>>>>> Am 11.05.20 um 21:23 schrieb Kay Schenk:
>>>>>> Hi Peter...
>>>>>> Since I am a Google Search admin for, and
>>>>>>, I got this also. Disclaimer: I have not done
>>>>>> ANY work with the Google Search apis on these sites in quite some time.
>>>>>> I actually was NOT aware was set up to use Google
>>>>>> Search until I saw this.
>>>>> I think, I added it to the list when we had a discussion about outdated
>>>>> information regarding SourceForge found by Google Search.
>>>>> But I don't have access to, so I could never
>>>>> complete the step.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>    Matthias
>>>> OK. In the top level of the website source, there is a file called
>>>> "skeleton.html" which references the following bit of code --
>>>> <!--#include virtual="/scripts/google-analytics.js" -->
>>>> I didn't dig far enough to find how "skeleton.html" is used ( I
>>>> forgot) but this this is example for the google-analytics code snippet
>>>> that is used. Basically, this needs to be included in the site you
>>>> want analytics to be used on by putting it in the (header) files that
>>>> generate the site. And, you might  take a look at recent instructions
>>>> from Google. Things change.
>>> Yes, but this is for Google Analytics. I wouldn't want to "analyze" the
>>> forum...
>>> The procedure for the Google Search Console is the same, it needs access
>>> to the root directory.
>>> Maybe Andrea can help if he is available again?
>>> Regards,
>>>   Matthias
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Kay
>>>>>> One of the Google Search admins for could check
>>>>>> the current Google search apis that are in use on that site. Changes
>>>>>> are occasionally made to the calls, and maybe that is the issue, or a
>>>>>> robots.txt for that site is causing this. I don't think it requires a
>>>>>> response, but maybe some investigation.
>>>>>> Just some ideas...
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Kay
>>>>>> On 5/11/20 6:02 AM, Peter Kovacs wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> I have received following mail. Probably because I am listed in the
>>>>>>> google-Analytics page.
>>>>>>> Does this has some action items? What can we answer Mr John Mueller?
>>>>>>> All the Best
>>>>>>> Peter
>>>>>>> -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
>>>>>>> Betreff:     Critical issue on and Google Search
>>>>>>> Datum:     Mon, 11 May 2020 13:37:27 +0200
>>>>>>> Von:     John Mueller <>
>>>>>>> An:,,
>>>>>>> Dear webmaster of <>
>>>>>>> I'm an analyst at Google in Switzerland. We wanted to bring your
>>>>>>> attention to a critical issue with your website, and how it's
>>>>>>> available for Google's web search.
>>>>>>> In particular, Googlebot has been unable to crawl URLs from
>>>>>>> . This will cause those pages to drop
>>>>>>> out of Google's search results, and will prevent new pages from being
>>>>>>> picked up for Search. If you're not aware of this issue, you may be
>>>>>>> accidentally blocking these pages from Google Search due to a server
>>>>>>> issue. If you need to block Googlebot from crawling pages on your
>>>>>>> website, we'd recommend using the robots.txt file instead.
>>>>>>> Should you need to recognize IP addresses of Googlebot requests, you
>>>>>>> can use a reverse IP lookup to do so:
>>>>>>> Should you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly. For
>>>>>>> verification purposes, we are sending a copy of this message to your
>>>>>>> site's Search Console account.
>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>> John Mueller ( <>)
>>>>>>> Webmaster Trends Analyst
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