On 5/11/20 12:33 PM, Matthias Seidel wrote:
Hi Kay,

Am 11.05.20 um 21:23 schrieb Kay Schenk:
Hi Peter...

Since I am a Google Search admin for www.openoffice.org, and
openoffice.apache.org, I got this also. Disclaimer: I have not done
ANY work with the Google Search apis on these sites in quite some time.

I actually was NOT aware forum.openoffice.org was set up to use Google
Search until I saw this.
I think, I added it to the list when we had a discussion about outdated
information regarding SourceForge found by Google Search.

But I don't have access to forum.openoffice.org, so I could never
complete the step.



OK. In the top level of the website source, there is a file called "skeleton.html" which references the following bit of code --

<!--#include virtual="/scripts/google-analytics.js" -->

I didn't dig far enough to find how "skeleton.html" is used ( I forgot) but this this is example for the google-analytics code snippet that is used. Basically, this needs to be included in the site you want analytics to be used on by putting it in the (header) files that generate the site. And, you might  take a look at recent instructions from Google. Things change.




One of the Google Search admins for forum.openoffice.org could check
the current Google search apis that are in use on that site. Changes
are occasionally made to the calls, and maybe that is the issue, or a
robots.txt for that site is causing this. I don't think it requires a
response, but maybe some investigation.

Just some ideas...



On 5/11/20 6:02 AM, Peter Kovacs wrote:
Hi all,

I have received following mail. Probably because I am listed in the
google-Analytics page.

Does this has some action items? What can we answer Mr John Mueller?

All the Best


-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff:     Critical issue on forum.openoffice.org and Google Search
Datum:     Mon, 11 May 2020 13:37:27 +0200
Von:     John Mueller <joh...@google.com>
An:     morsei...@gmail.com, kay.sch...@gmail.com, legi...@gmail.com

Dear webmaster of forum.openoffice.org <http://forum.openoffice.org>

I'm an analyst at Google in Switzerland. We wanted to bring your
attention to a critical issue with your website, and how it's
available for Google's web search.

In particular, Googlebot has been unable to crawl URLs from
https://forum.openoffice.org/ . This will cause those pages to drop
out of Google's search results, and will prevent new pages from being
picked up for Search. If you're not aware of this issue, you may be
accidentally blocking these pages from Google Search due to a server
issue. If you need to block Googlebot from crawling pages on your
website, we'd recommend using the robots.txt file instead.

Should you need to recognize IP addresses of Googlebot requests, you
can use a reverse IP lookup to do so:

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly. For
verification purposes, we are sending a copy of this message to your
site's Search Console account.

Thank you,
John Mueller (joh...@google.com <mailto:joh...@google.com>)
Webmaster Trends Analyst

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