
Am 25.02.20 um 18:10 schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
> Carl Marcum wrote:
>> Here are my notes on building AOO 4.2 on Ubuntu 18 LTS 64-bit VM

> In this case you won't need EPM probably. Or do you still need it?
We need epm to build deb und rpm.
>> $ time build --all -P2 -- -P2
>> # At 14 hours 2 processes didn't do me that much better.
> Both timings you reported are really strange, maybe there is some bad
> virtualization performance. Even for a build without ccache the time
> should be closer to 1 hour than to 14 hours. I'd like to investigate
> this or at least to double-check on my hardware.

in my VM  with build --all -P2 -- -P2 I need more than 12 h too.

At the sponsored maschine with build --all -P2 -- -P8 it takes a little
bit more than 1 h.

Kind regards

Mechtilde Stehmann
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