On 2/25/20 12:10 PM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
Carl Marcum wrote:
Here are my notes on building AOO 4.2 on Ubuntu 18 LTS 64-bit VM

Thanks for the efforts (both for CentOS 7 and Ubuntu LTS). Some of the notes below apply to both.

Started with a minimal desktop install.

Especially as we are in a VM, it would make sense to double-check with a minimal install without even the desktop environment (since one can connect externally). But I guess the dependencies listed below would probably do the right thing in either case.

download dmake, unpack, and change into directory

I don't see a need for downloading dmake and/or EPM. This is part of the build process. Of course nobody forbids your approach, but for a minimal set of instruction one would just pass the download URLs and everything would be built automatically.

$ wget https://github.com/jimjag/dmake/archive/dmake-4.12.3.tar.gz
$ wget https://github.com/jimjag/epm/archive/epm-4.4.2.tar.gz
$ wget -O external/unowinreg/unowinreg.dll https://tools.openoffice.org/unowinreg_prebuild/680/unowinreg.dll

I would replace these three (holds for CentOS 7 too) with files from OOoExtras. I mean, we should rely on the assumption that in order to build OpenOffice we must have online:
- The code repository
- OOoExtras for all dependencies (thus I would also store unowinreg.dll there and change our default download URL for it)
- Extensions if one needs to download/bundle a dictionary

We shouldn't depend on packages hosted on Github or on files from tools.openoffice.org.

--with-package-format="installed" \

In this case you won't need EPM probably. Or do you still need it?

$ time build --all -P2 -- -P2
# At 14 hours 2 processes didn't do me that much better.

Both timings you reported are really strange, maybe there is some bad virtualization performance. Even for a build without ccache the time should be closer to 1 hour than to 14 hours. I'd like to investigate this or at least to double-check on my hardware.

When I start the office I keep getting this error.
If I select No=ignore things seem to keep working.
Error: assertion failed!
 From File <path-to>/aoo/main/vcl/unx/gtk/a11y/atkwrapper.cxx at Line 874
Abort ? (Yes=abort / No=ignore / Cancel=core dump)

Never seen, but for sure this must be fixed.


Hi Andrea,
Thank you very much for your review.

I'll modify my notes and give them another run through.
I can also setup a minimal install a give it a try like you suggested.

I don't think epm would be needed if I'm not packaging.
We could note that somewhere in the instructions.

It's quite possible I could have some settings that need changed on my VirtualBox guests to improve performance.
I'll look into it.

Best regards,

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