Hello Andrea,

big thanks for your work. For me all things are fine. Also my last input
is migrated.
Very many thanks also for Infra  that this was possible.

Kind regards


Am 27.11.18 um 18:42 schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
> Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>> I've gone ahead and opened the issue for migration:
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-17321
> Migration is now complete and you are welcome to check.
> https://wiki.openoffice.org
> will tell you if you are seeing the old server or not.
>> It is still safe to edit the MWiki normally until you start seeing a
>> big notice on it (which will happen at some point tomorrow, Tuesday,
>> during the European afternoon-evening).
> I'll still leave the notice on the site for some hours, just in case
> some big bugs emerge and we have to restore the old database dumps. Once
> the notice is removed, you can feel free to use the wiki again.
> Regards,
>   Andrea.
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