Am 27.11.18 um 18:47 schrieb Jürgen Lange:
> Uuuups, doesn't work in the very moment.

Works for me without problem...


> Jürgen
> Am 27.11.2018 um 18:42 schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
>> Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>>> I've gone ahead and opened the issue for migration:
>> Migration is now complete and you are welcome to check.
>> will tell you if you are seeing the old server or not.
>>> It is still safe to edit the MWiki normally until you start seeing a
>>> big notice on it (which will happen at some point tomorrow, Tuesday,
>>> during the European afternoon-evening).
>> I'll still leave the notice on the site for some hours, just in case
>> some big bugs emerge and we have to restore the old database dumps.
>> Once the notice is removed, you can feel free to use the wiki again.
>> Regards,
>>   Andrea.
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