Hello George,

Am 10.10.2018 um 13:23 schrieb George Karalis:
> Hello,
> This is an update of the current MSVC task. So far I had success in 
> integrating MSVC 2015
> to the project but it requires Windows SDK 8.1 or higher in order to work 
> correctly. I ‘ve 
> found that Microsoft has reworked the folder structure of this SDK so it 
> requires additional 
> work to be done in the configure.ac, in order to find the correct compilers 
> and tools. Same 
> thing at the Windows 10 SDK, which has a more different structure.

Thank you for your work!
Windows is the main platform for our users with about 85% of downloads.
Still is has been a bit neglected...
A newer SDK/compiler will certainly help us on our way to a 64-bit version.

> Another thing that requires additional work is the integration of MSVC 2017. 
> I was able to
> find the installation from the registry, using oowintool, copy the required 
> dll etc., but in Visual
> Studio 2017 the folder structure is completely different, so changes are also 
> needed at 
> configure.ac, for —with-cl-home to work correctly.
> So that leaves me with the following notes:
> (1) Integrate MSVC 2010 with Windows 7.1 SDK, both are available from 
> Microsoft, no
>      additional work is needed at the configure level, and update the project 
> to MSBuild 
>      (Easy)

This is the SDK we are talking about?

As a non developer I would say this should be our first step.

> (2) Integrate MSVC 2017 with Windows 10 SDK, requires more work, but it ’s 
> the main
>      goal.
> I ‘m thinking of doing an incremental integration. Work on option (1) and 
> after a successful build
> continue to option (2). Option (1) also provides support for Windows XP, so 
> we could stick at 
> that for a while. After (1) is complete I presume that building to a new 
> compiler and SDK, will
> be easier, since the project will have already changed to MSBuild.

Sounds like a plan to me.
And I also think it would be good if we can support XP for some
additional time.


> What are your thoughts and suggestions about this matter?
> Kind regards,
> George 

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