Am 02.09.2018 um 11:11 schrieb Pedro Lino:
On September 2, 2018 at 9:49 AM Matthias Seidel < > wrote:

         > > Maybe something changed in Debian/Ubuntu?

     >     No, but is your version from the repos? It seems to be an ESR (plain
     Mozilla, no Ubuntu in the User Agent).

There is no ESR version on the Ubuntu repos. That explains it (only Ubuntu 
files, report the Distro...)

So this means that the correct Distro information needs to be extracted from 
somewhere else.

Any ideas?

Would it be absurd to have a drop list for the user to select the distro? (with 
Ubuntu offered if automatically detected?)

sure, that's possible. Howcer, I would like to avaoid to add an additional thing that the users have to select befor they can get the download.

So, as long as the complains - especially in the forums - do not increase dramatically I would prefer to keep it like it is.

My 2 ct.


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