> On May 28, 2018, at 3:05 AM, Peter kovacs <pe...@apache.org> wrote:
> Imho the gstreamer libs are still the method of choice for doing multimedia.
> The current state is that trunk can utilize the gstreamer API 1.0.0
> We have the issue not resolved the issue to provide gstreamer for different 
> Distributions. (Main issue: centos6 is to old to support the new gstreamer 
> 1.0.0 API)
> We have 2 suggestions to solve the issue:
> 1) implement 0.1.0 and 1.0.0 API. 
> 2) move the implementation into an optional extention.
> Both solutions have currently not followed up. 

Is anyone able to follow up on these? #2 seems the wiser choice.

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