Hi Carl,

It is not about what we agree upon. 
This is a public vote. And whoever gives a vote is deciding now.

Maybe this is an effect from trolling against us, but I do not think there is 
space for public weakness or naivete. (And I try not do do both...)
I thought about putting my preferences into my description and decided against 
it because it would weaken the project.
I was really thankful on Andrea's words. Which are nicely written, but I 
thought again it would be a weakness to show the thankfullnes so I stoped to 
write the comment and my vote.

Sorry if I over complicate things.
I really do not mind whoever gets the job. We have all much to do and only 
little time.

So I am now again late for work :(
I really hate the "Libre Office troll feedback loop"!

All the best

Am 14. Dezember 2017 03:11:32 MEZ schrieb Carl Marcum <cmar...@apache.org>:
>On 12/13/2017 07:08 PM, Peter kovacs wrote:
>> I am confused. There was no proper " I do not want to candidate
>anymore mail."
>> But maybe my English is not good enough.
>> A one candidate vote is something completely different as between 2+
>candidates. Such a step should be well thought of if this is really the
>right step.
>> Also I would like to know how do you count votes for Carl if he has
>resigned, which I doubt.
>> Not so happy
>> peter
>Hi Peter,
>I can still be in and prefer you become Chair this time.
>If I misunderstood your desire to be Chair I apologize.
>I stepped up to make sure we had a new chair even though my workload is
>very high right now.
>I thought you had changed your mind about waiting until next year.
>If you do not want it, My offer still stands and I'll stand in.
>Best regards,
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