
> From: Marcus [mailto:marcus.m...@wtnet.de] 

> absolutely, we need volunteers that would then work on these bug 
> reports. Assumed they *are* valid bugs and not "how can I do this and 
> that" questions. ;-)

yes, right, but that's not what I mean.

I mean we need developers who fix the bugs. And there are two problems:

We do not have enough developers (ok, we have to see what the future brings)

The existing developers work voluntarily and do what they want - how do we get 
them to fix _specific_ bugs?
Please understand what I mean: there are issues (respectively bug reports) that 
are important for the users, but not interesting for the developers. How do we 
motivate developers to work on _these_ issues?


A spontaneous suggestion for (b)

We could put 50 issues to vote for each release of OO separately and fix the 10 
which get the most votes from users.
By this I do not mean to fix only 10 bugs per release, but the developer's 
willingness to fix 10 specific bugs, which interest the users, in addition to 
fixed, no matter whether the developers keep these bugs important.

Such an approach would increase user satisfaction ... and perhaps there will be 
another chance for the future:

Interested developers can (externally) create a kind of OpenOffice-crowdfunding 
- an online overview with issues and for each issue a certain donation sum - if 
the users donate this sum, the issue is immediately fixed.
This is a bit similar to Raphael's suggestion, but it is very concrete, 
concrete money for the removal of concrete bugs.
This also means (or can olso mean) small donations for small bugs, for example, 
20 euros for removing an incorrect label on a button.

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