I have comments in-line.

Also, let us speak of chicken and egg.

I observe that the Board and the Offices of ASF do not wish to deal with 
hypothetical cases.  Exceptions must be specific and actionable.  Also, 
exceptions do not create precedents.  If one project sees something they want 
as exception for them, they must create specific exception of their own.  (AOO 
has exception for bundling some writing tools in binaries only, not in source 
code, because licenses are incompatible.  It is very specific and not a 
precedent for other projects. When details of another exception are worked out, 
it is often revealed that the cases are not the same. The ASF avoids common 
risk of others seeing more "precedent" for their case than there actually is.)

It seems to me that if there is a request for some sort of external 
relationship(s), the external parties must already exist and be prepared to 
provide detailed agreement on how it will partner with AOO project in a way 
that preserves the principles and purpose of the ASF in how AOO participates in 
the arrangement.  This is not hard.  

I do not think making exceptions about hypothetical arrangements and then 
seeking external parties will work.

That is why it may be better for external party to be created first, operating 
as good downstream citizen, before requiring anything of the AOO PMC and ASF 
Board.  Ideally, no significant attention will be required.  The only thing 
external entity cannot do, and PMC would have to intervene, is make use of 
Apache trademarks in other than allowed ways.  Since it is not proposed that 
the external entity release any software product, this should be agreeable.

Also, the external party should not promise others that requested features will 
be incorporated in AOO in the manner they desire.  They will never have the 
authority to control AOO project actions, even though by mutual work, there may 
often be good alignment.

Only my thoughts, not thoughts from any PMC or Board discussion.

 - Dennis

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Kovacs [mailto:legi...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 23:08
> To: dev@openoffice.apache.org; orc...@apache.org
> Subject: Re: Community building: give our User a chance to contribute!
> Star Citizen proofed that a community can follow developers intend and
> raise the money needed.
> Even if we can not use the business model, we can learn something from
> their communication model they have developed.
> Also what becomes clear to me is that we can not operate with a single
> entity. If I consider that we need to position us global right from the
> start, this is not so bad.
> Maybe it would be better if we lay out a white paper on some model. Then
> we talk about this. We can then check for concerns. Note them down and
> find a solution for it.
> @Raphael do you like to write your idea in a document? I think we have a
> similar idea. Maybe I can put my idea as variation suggestion next to it
> afterwards.

Raphael raised his questions on d...@community.apache.org.  The responses are 

> Then we can see if we can refine the document.
> I think we need to focus on reaching a goal somehow, this discussion
> dissolves somewhat because we focus to much on the ASF and bugs. Then on
> goals concepts and stuff.
> When we have a clear view, we can reach out to the ASF and hear their
> concerns, update the concept based on their feedback. I assume this way
> we will find a solution that works for everybody.

If you do not understand the concerns of the ASF and that AOO is ASF project, 
you may waste your time.  It works best to operate in models of external 
support that have worked well.

Please consider this document now in draft, meant to be aligned with detailed 
documents it refers to:

I recommend that all developers interested in this discussion also subscribe to 
d...@communit.apache.org where good discussion can be held.

Also, it is the PMC that must communicate with ASF Board.  The PMC is 
responsible for the care of the project in terms of satisfying and preserving 
ASF spirit for projects.

Discussion and creation on dev@ is fine.  But PMC must as a body agree to some 
proposal if it is so exceptional that Board approval is required.
> In Germany it is said that to lay out a business model takes 8 -16
> month. So IMHO we have time, does not need to be perfect.
> All the best
> Peter
> Dennis E. Hamilton <orc...@apache.org <mailto:orc...@apache.org> >
> schrieb am Mi., 18. Jan. 2017, 17:36:
>       > -----Original Message-----
>       > From: Raphael Bircher [mailto:rbircherapa...@gmail.com
> <mailto:rbircherapa...@gmail.com> ]
>       > Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 21:36
>       > To: dev@openoffice.apache.org <mailto:dev@openoffice.apache.org>
>       > Subject: Re: Community building: give our User a chance to
> contribute!
>       >
>       > Am .01.2017, 05:31 Uhr, schrieb Dennis E. Hamilton
> <orc...@apache.org <mailto:orc...@apache.org> >:
>       >
>       [ ... ]
>       >
>       > I personaly don't believe in that model for Apache OpenOffice.
> There is
>       > no
>       > need for a customized version of Apache OpenOffice. And the
> people who
>       > fork, do it normaly to have there own product. They don't want to
>       > upstream. But Yes, it is one model, who exist within ASF. Not
> that I'm
>       > completely against this way... If someone finds a way, to
> generate money
>       > to contribute back, it would be nice. But I don't think it's the
> right
>       > way.
>       >
>       > I'm more with the payed feature model
>       [orcmid]
>       That was also discussed - creation of an external organization that
> would arrange paid features and contribute to Apache OpenOffice.  That
> must be external to ASF.  And either (1) there are AOO committers who
> participate in both or (2) AOO committer and PMC must accept the changes
> and the AOO project incorporates features in AOO releases.
>       So the feature organization would need to be able to do everything
> but make distributions to provide tested, quality features.  Or have AOO
> committers in the feature organization to work on feature branches of
>       In all cases, there must be *no* payment process or fund-raising
> process that involves the ASF.  That is key requirement #1.  I see that
> Bertrand Delacretaz has provided a good answer about this on
> d...@community.apache.org <mailto:d...@community.apache.org> .
>       AND
>       The greatest barrier of all is key requirement #2: finding already-
> capable OpenOffice developers who have the capacity and willingness to
> do such work.  The fees that an OpenOffice features organization would
> pay must be enough. Someone with the required at-hand skills can already
> earn $100,000 per year and more (in US), with all benefits available
> where they work.  I do not know comparable salaries in EU.  I believe it
> is still expensive in terms of how much money feature-organization must
> raise.  Also, providing contract agreements for performance of feature
> delivery is also complicated.
>       There is a great misunderstanding in the user community of how much
> feature development costs using developers with professional, at-hand
> skills.
>        - Dennis
>       >
>       > >
>       > > We can dig up that conversation if you like.
>       > I would be interested, where the discussion ends ;-)
>       >
>       > Regards Raphael
>       > --
>       > Mein Blog: https://raphaelbircher.blogspot.ch
>       >
>       > -----------------------------------------------------------------
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