A third party like a Team OpenOffice under a name that avoids users confusion 
with Apache OpenOffice could raise money and fund development as a separate, 
independent entity. That's what IBM did. The entity just needs to be careful 
about guaranteeing the work will be taken by Apache OpenOffice.

It really is that simple now. I suppose it was much more confusing while the 
project was in the Incubator and all email threads became so emotionally 
charged and frenetic.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 16, 2017, at 1:59 PM, Raphael Bircher <rbircherapa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Am .01.2017, 11:00 Uhr, schrieb Jörg Schmidt <joe...@j-m-schmidt.de>:
>> Hello,
>>> From: Peter Kovacs [mailto:legi...@gmail.com]
>>> We see in Star citizen how mighty crowd can be.
>>> Maybe a platform would be great where people can pledge money
>>> for something
>>> they need.
>>> If the needed budget is reached, payed developers implement it.
>>> Or we could do it as a bonus system. You pledge money on a
>>> bug/enhancement,
>>> if the bug gets included in the release the developers get a payout.
>>> This is just an idea. I am not sure if we can do business
>>> within the ASF or
>>> if we have to found a 3rd party entity for this.
>>> If we have to go 3rd party I prefer a cooperative society as
>>> a legal form.
>>> https://ec.europa.eu/growth/sectors/social-economy/cooperative
>>> s/european-cooperative-society_de
>> You are basically right, but let me give the following information.
>> Team OpenOffice was such a project. The participants were mainly experienced 
>> OpenOffice developers from SUN Microsystems.
> I think, the real problem there was this text 
> http://www.opensourceforbusiness.info/openoffice-org-droht-das-aus/
>> See:
>> https://web.archive.org/web/20120107200702/http://teamopenoffice.org/de/the-team-de.html
>> But Apache made a front against this project and so it was no chance. The 
>> only short-term result was "White Label Office", see for example:
>> http://www.chip.de/downloads/White-Label-Office_53492033.html
>> I do not want to criticize one-sidedly, here is a different view:
>> http://www.golem.de/1112/88663.html
>> But Apache is the larger party and it would be the task of Apache to 
>> recognize opportunities and bundle forces.
>> This is unfortunately the truth and it is a central problem for OpenOffice.
> The only restriction the ASF have is, that you can not collect money in the 
> name of a project as a third party. And Apache itself does not found 
> defelopment.
> But you can collect money for Features or major bugfixes as a third party. 
> This model is vor sure easyer to setup, if you have some big company who put 
> a load of money to it. In my mind is a collaboration with Source Forge. They 
> rich a load of OpenOffice users.
> Regards Raphael
> -- 
> Mein Blog: https://raphaelbircher.blogspot.ch
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