Based on this page, OpenOffice change the license from LGPLv3 to Apache
2.0 only when Oracle donate the code to Apache Foundation in june 2011,
but LibreOffice was forked from OOo in september 2010.

An article about this:

2017. 01. 12. 15:25 keltezéssel, Tsutomu Uchino írta:
> See this mail:
> 2017-01-12 6:18 GMT+09:00 Dave <>:
>> On 11.01.2017 09:44, Patricia Shanahan wrote:
>>> On 1/10/2017 11:29 PM, Nagy �kos wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> it is impossible, because the LO license is LGPL+MPL, that can't be
>>>> merged in OpenOffice.
>>> That choice of license was very unfortunate, and a regrettable barrier
>>> to cooperation between the projects. When LO split off they could have
>>> kept the Apache license and the potential for future cooperation.
>> The first release of OOo v3 was under LGPLv3 per Louis Suarez-Potts:
>> In September 2010 LO forked from OOo and released LO 3.3 in January 2011
>> under the same license.
>> Around 6 months later in June 2011 Oracle donated the LGPLv3 code to the
>> ASF and AOO 3.4 was released in May 2012 under ALv2.
>> In spite of a seemingly contradictory statement on the license page of
>> the LO website, the above dates clearly show that LO code was forked
>> from the original OOo code, not from the AOO code.
>> Please let's not try to rewrite history.
>> --
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