I think we are not in a position to successfully ask what you would like us
to do. In the matter of the fact I do not believe LO does have much respect
for us, and some of us are deeply hurt.
Maybe the same on LO side.

And I am not convinced this will heal just quickly. The simplest solution
is to be patient. The complicated is to find a way to heal the wounds that
are there.

Have fun!

suhail ansari <iamsuhailans...@outlook.com> schrieb am Di., 10. Jan. 2017,

> Hi,
>   My name is Suhail and I have some suggestions for OpenOffice community.
> OpenOffice is very popular and it attracts large number of downloads. My
> suggestion is that Apache software foundation should talk to the document
> foundation and ask them to merge their foundation with Apache software
> foundation because Apache is world's biggest open source software
> foundation and if the document foundation joins Apache then we can have one
> product (OpenOffice). The ASF has many popular open source software
> products like hadoop, tomcat, OpenOffice etc. It will be good for both ASF
> and the document foundation to work together.
> Suhail Ansari
> --

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