Already discussed

----- Mail original -----
De: "suhail ansari" <>
Envoyé: Mardi 10 Janvier 2017 19:43:04
Objet: future of OpenOffice


  My name is Suhail and I have some suggestions for OpenOffice community.

OpenOffice is very popular and it attracts large number of downloads. My 
suggestion is that Apache software foundation should talk to the document 
foundation and ask them to merge their foundation with Apache software 
foundation because Apache is world's biggest open source software foundation 
and if the document foundation joins Apache then we can have one product 
(OpenOffice). The ASF has many popular open source software products like 
hadoop, tomcat, OpenOffice etc. It will be good for both ASF and the document 
foundation to work together.

Suhail Ansari

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