That sounds like a good idea!

At the times, when StarOffice was a German product no one imagined, that
the code would be open-sourced... ;-)

Am 09.11.2016 um 14:01 schrieb Patricia Shanahan:
> As a compromise between doing individual comments and doing them all,
> I suggest some process for nominating files. As part of an effort to
> turn myself into an AOO code expert, I am trying to read certain files.
> One possibility is to create a Bugzilla entry "Source code contains
> comments in German". Those who are able and willing to translate would
> put themselves on the mailing list for that bug. People like me who
> could add a comment listing files whose comments we would like
> translated.
> On 11/9/2016 2:59 AM, Peter Kovacs wrote:
>> I can also help with this. I had no issues in understanding most of
>> them. :)
>> Maybe we should make a list with files that contain German comments?
>> Then we can work through them and add a English translation.
>> I thought that they are so many that no one bothered anymore.
>> All the best.
>> Peter
>> Marcus <> schrieb am Di., 8. Nov. 2016, 21:22:
>>> Am 11/08/2016 07:50 PM, schrieb Matthias Seidel:
>>>> Wouldn't it be better to translate the comments step by step and put
>>>> them back in the source code (while preserving the original comment)?
>>> when the translation is good then there is no reason to keep it. I
>>> think
>>> Mechtilde has the knowledge to know what the comments mean.
>>> But it would be also OK to post them here. We translate it and Patricia
>>> can put the English comments back to the code. Whatever works best.
>>> Marcus
>>>> Am 08.11.2016 um 19:41 schrieb Mechtilde:
>>>>> Hello Patricia,
>>>>> you can send it to me
>>>>> I will try to translate it
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Mechtilde
>>>>> Am 08.11.2016 um 19:35 schrieb Patricia Shanahan:
>>>>>> I trying to read some AOO source code. There are few comments, and
>>>>>> several of the ones I have found are in German, which I don't
>>>>>> know. I
>>>>>> have tried running some through Google Translate, but the results do
>>> not
>>>>>> make much sense.
>>>>>> Is there a translation tool that works better on source code
>>>>>> comments?
>>>>>> If not, would it be OK to post some here and request translations
>>>>>> from
>>>>>> humans who know both German and English?
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