On 09/25/2016 10:33 AM, Patricia Shanahan wrote:
I suggest that people start downloading and testing 4.1.3 as soon as there are binaries they can run. I can't start the formal vote period until we have a complete release candidate.

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I'm trying to build 4.13.rc1 from

./configure   \
--with-build-version="$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") - `uname -sm`" \
             --enable-verbose \
             --with-system-stdlibs \
             --enable-crashdump=yes \
             --enable-category-b \
             --enable-wiki-publisher \
             --enable-bundled-dictionaries \
             --enable-opengl  \
             --enable-dbus  \
             --enable-gstreamer \
             --with-package-format="rpm deb" \
             --with-lang="${LANGS}" \
--with-dmake-url=http://dmake.apache-extras.org.codespot.com/files/dmake-4.12.tar.bz2 \
--with-epm-url=http://www.msweet.org/files/project2/epm-3.7-source.tar.gz \
                --with-package-format="installed" \

and getting
downloading dmake-4.12.tar.bz2
downloading to /home/carl/dev/aoo/aoo-4.1.3-rc1/aoo-4.1.3/ext_sources/dmake-4.12.tar.bz2.part download from http://dmake.apache-extras.org.codespot.com/files/dmake-4.12.tar.bz2 failed (404 Not Found)
    download failed
epm-3.7.tar.gz exists
making and entering /home/carl/dev/aoo/aoo-4.1.3-rc1/aoo-4.1.3/main/solenv/unxlngx6.pro/misc/build/
can not find the dmake package

Should I be using a different dmake?


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