Do you know which particular changes I should look for?

The dictionaries are from december 2015, so I had them already in use in

But I can confirm that the difference between "schließen" (de/de-AT) and
"schliessen" (de-CH) is recognised.

Am 03.10.2016 um 21:52 schrieb Patricia Shanahan:
> There were German dictionary changes. Can you tell the difference
> between de, de_AT, and de_CH? If so, could you perhaps do a test in
> each of the other dialects?
> On 10/3/2016 12:19 PM, Matthias Seidel wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I installed and tested the german version (de) on:
>>  - Ubuntu 16.04.1 (64bit)
>>  - Xubuntu 16.04.1 (32bit)
>> Everything is working as expected.
>> regards
>> Matthias
>> Am 03.10.2016 um 13:29 schrieb Mechtilde:
>>> Hello,
>>> I did the same tests for Linux x86-64 deb de.
>>> I did also some work with it without problems
>>> Regards
>>> Mechtilde
>>> Am 03.10.2016 um 12:57 schrieb Marcus:
>>>> Am 09/25/2016 08:33 PM, schrieb Marcus:
>>>>> Am 09/25/2016 04:33 PM, schrieb Patricia Shanahan:
>>>>>> I suggest that people start downloading and testing 4.1.3 as soon as
>>>>>> there are binaries they can run. I can't start the formal vote
>>>>>> period
>>>>>> until we have a complete release candidate.
>>>>> thanks for the pointer, I'll wait for the Linux 64-bit and Windows
>>>>> builds.
>>>> I've done the following for testing:
>>>> Installation
>>>> ============
>>>> Windows 10
>>>> ----------
>>>> Windows de                            OK
>>>> Windows de langpack                        OK
>>>> Windows en-US                            OK
>>>> Windows en-US langpack                        OK
>>>> Fedora 21 64-bit
>>>> ----------------
>>>> Linux x86-64 rpm de                        OK
>>>> Linux x86-64 rpm de langpack                    OK
>>>> Linux x86-64 rpm en-US                        OK
>>>> Linux x86-64 rpm en-US langpack                    OK
>>>> Quick test
>>>> ==========
>>>> Starting, creating files, saving, copy & pasting and quitting    OK
>>>> Release data
>>>> ============
>>>> Version number, "About" dialog                    OK
>>>> Of course not a full QA test round. However, as the fixes are small,
>>>> this quick test should be good enough.
>>>> Marcus
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