Hi Bill, According to the german Linux Magazin 09/16 which has tested the import capabilities of Apache OpenOffice, LibreOffice, softmaker office and WPS, it depends on your documents. For Apache OpenOffice I found the following: If you consider the operating system, too. You should make sure that you install all fonts you used in your documents in order to avoid layout breaks.
OpenOffice 4.1.2 has problems on the docx format if you use graphics. It can happen that these graphics are not imported and dissappear. You could save your writings in this case using the legacy format, however under certain circumstances OpenOffice treats the pictures differently then Microsoft and the layout breaks. The layout difficulties can also happen with tables. I did not find the time to investigate this further. So I am not sure if we have development on the mentioned issues already. I would like to encourage you to try never the less and be careful. Make a copy of the documents you check and investigate if our project is importing the document to your satisfaction. If not we would be happy on feedback for further investigation on our side, in case of issues. I will keep an eye for your response and try to help you in a timely matter. However I do this on my free time. I understand that this is not the result you are looking for but our product is not charged through the work that has already done. Our belief is that only the work that unfinished is worth charging. Currently the only payment we accept is that you invest your precious time and report your problems you face at the import to us. At least that is my current knowledge. All the best Peter Bill Pate <wrp...@outlook.com> schrieb am So., 2. Okt. 2016, 10:35: I couldn't find any other email other than this for contact, but I did have and may still go back to office 365, but my question is, I have collections of my writings saved at this point after using their set up. Can Apache open their Open Office XLM, and do formatting, spell check, page numbering and have availability to create pdf files from my work, just for starters? I don't want to download the product if it can't. Thanks, Bill -- Disclaimer: Diese Nachricht stammt aus einem Google Account. Ihre Antwort wird in der Google Cloud Gespeichert und durch Google Algorythmen zwecks werbeanaöysen gescannt. Es ist derzeit nicht auszuschließen das ihre Nachricht auch durch einen NSA Mitarbeiter geprüft wird. Durch kommunikation mit diesen Account stimmen Sie zu das ihre Mail, ihre Kontaktdaten und die Termine die Sie mit mir vereinbaren online zu Google konditionen in der Googlecloud gespeichert wird. Sollten sie dies nicht wünschen kontaktieren sie mich bitte Umgehend um z.B. alternativen zu verhandeln.