On 9/10/2016 12:55 PM, Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
On Thu, Sep 08, 2016 at 12:40:48AM +0200, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
Recent events make it clear we will have to release OpenOffice 4.1.3 sooner
or later, with some duplication of work with respect to 4.1.2-patch1 but
with more clarity for those who couldn't see that we made a release last

I'll thus consider the AOO410 branch to be open again for the needed
structural fixes, like version numbering and similar. And I can take care of
fixing version numbers as I already did for 4.1.2.

I'd suggest we create a AOO413 branch, as suggested on private@.

Also, if the procedure didn't change, we should stick to the rule that
only code with a bug and release blocker flag approved by the Release
Manager can be checked in that branch; that is: if you want to include
changes in the AOO413 branch:

1) open a bug
2) request releaser blocker status
3) only once the release manager approves the release blocker status,
   commit your changes

Andrea argues that it is traditional to put all point releases in the same branch. Following that tradition we would use AOO410 for all 4.1.x releases.

The reasons are lost in the mists of antiquity. The argument for carrying on that way for now is that there may be people following AOO410 and doing downstream packaging that depend on that behavior.

A possible compromise is to treat AOO410 as you recommend for AOO413 from now on. We would still create AOO414, which I see as being necessary to become more agile. We should overlap testing, voting, and uploading of 4.1.3 with preparation of 4.1.4. Using the same branch for both would not be good.

I can go either way on this.


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