On Thu, Sep 08, 2016 at 12:40:48AM +0200, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
> Recent events make it clear we will have to release OpenOffice 4.1.3 sooner
> or later, with some duplication of work with respect to 4.1.2-patch1 but
> with more clarity for those who couldn't see that we made a release last
> month.
> I'll thus consider the AOO410 branch to be open again for the needed
> structural fixes, like version numbering and similar. And I can take care of
> fixing version numbers as I already did for 4.1.2.

I'd suggest we create a AOO413 branch, as suggested on private@.

Also, if the procedure didn't change, we should stick to the rule that
only code with a bug and release blocker flag approved by the Release
Manager can be checked in that branch; that is: if you want to include
changes in the AOO413 branch:

1) open a bug
2) request releaser blocker status
3) only once the release manager approves the release blocker status,
   commit your changes

Ariel Constenla-Haile

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