Not sure how this will come across... I am certain I will not
be fully understood about this, anyway, this question deserves an

What has been obvious, from following the numerous threads in various
places, as well as contributing to the 2 main ones, is just how much
"damage" Rob Weir has either done or has been attributed to have done.
I guess the best way to state it is that he was a very "polarizing"

Now a lot of the ill-will (and even worse, the hate) directed towards
AOO is not due to anything we personally did, but is simply redirected
venom, mostly due to how LO felt abused and used by Oracle and that
somehow we were complicit in it (this fallacy, of course, was maintained
by people who had a not-so-hidden-agenda to create and reinforce the
division between AOO and LO). There was really very, very little rational
cause for TDF/LO hating Apache and AOO so much... or, at least, developers
on that side being so antagonist towards Apache (I am ignoring, for the
present, those extreme copyleft proponents who have issue w/ permissive
licensing for anything). What I'm basically saying is that we did
nothing really to deserve the hate...

... except for maybe some of the "over zealous" statements by Rob.

What is kinda clear is that there is still a lot of sting there.

Now I did somewhat try to "explain" how such over-zealousness shouldn't
be so surprising, considering what he was fighting against (this explanation
was in the LWN thread), but rationalization isn't excuse.

No, I am not saying we focus on the past... but while we are
here for the present and future, we shouldn't "ignore" the past
but rather acknowledge it, and then bury it.

After all, aren't we asking TDF/LO to do the same??

> On Sep 6, 2016, at 1:57 PM, Marcus <> wrote:
> Am 09/06/2016 05:22 PM, schrieb Patricia Shanahan:
>> +1
>> I'm here for the present and the future, not the past.
> I also don't know what a single person - which has left the project long ago 
> - has to do with a "what-if-or-if-not" thinking game.
> Marcus
>> On 9/6/2016 8:15 AM, Rich Bowen wrote:
>>> On 2016-09-02 09:02 (-0400), Jorg Schmidt <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> never we forget how members of OpenOffice (for example, Rob Weir)
>>>> were insulted by TDF representatives.
>>> It's important, in all of this conversation, to keep the interests of
>>> the *users* first. This project is about producing software for the
>>> public good, not about winning some contest, or nursing our hurt
>>> feelings. We owe it to the users to forgive and forget actual and
>>> perceived insults, and move on with our lives. Otherwise, what the
>>> heck are we doing here?
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