On 08/31/2016 09:26 AM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
> One can always create an independent entity.  It hasn't happened.  By now, 
> the odds are clearly that it will not.  I suspect that folks who would pursue 
> that avenue do not see a meaningful opportunity.
> My considered opinion is that the greatest barrier is lack of a meaningful 
> business/operation/funding model.  In addition, there is an insufficient 
> supply of developers having the capacity, capability, and will to provide 
> material improvements to Apache OpenOffice.  Whatever the pool might be, it 
> is aging and shrinking for many reasons.  The affliction that Apache 
> OpenOffice suffers under in that respect also besets any organization set up 
> to support the code, even with paid developers.
> I also don't think working on Apache OpenOffice is much of a resume builder, 
> since there is no other project like it and probably will never be. 

I think this all depends on what one's interests consists of. If you're
a C++ programmer looking for a challenging opportunity, Apache
OpenOffice might be just what you had in mind for a resume builder.

 There are far easier projects to build an open-source reputation with,
ones that build developer skills in areas where there is a growing and
future demand.
> Having suggested this much, I don't think it is meaningful to address how an 
> external entity could "ensure they work on the AOO codebase using the ASF 
> way."
> If my appraisal is sound, that leaves us with the question about 
> sustainability of the Apache OpenOffice project itself, and what the 
> consequences of unsustainability are.
>  - Dennis
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Dennis E. Hamilton [mailto:dennis.hamil...@acm.org]
>> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2016 14:04
>> To: dev@openoffice.apache.org
>> Subject: RE: Independent Entity to Develop and Further AOO
>> There is a bit to discuss about how "The entity should ensure they work
>> on the AOO codebase using the ASF way" is workable or not.  In
>> particular, no such entity can direct the project at Apache or otherwise
>> effectively govern it.  More about that later.
>> There is another option, summarized below.  One might also consider this
>> as a reality check.  That is, if that is not feasible, it may be that no
>> other arrangement is.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Suminda Dharmasena [mailto:sirinath19...@gmail.com]
>>> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2016 00:23
>>> To: market...@openoffice.apache.org; dev@openoffice.apache.org
>>> Subject: Independent Entity to Develop and Further AOO
>>> Hello,
>>> I am writing to see if the current AOO Dev team would like to create
>> an
>>> independent entity which can:
>>>    - Do trainings
>>>    - Accept funds and have pay developers
>>>    - Write commercial books / online tutorials with sponsorship
>>> This can be used have paid developers working on the project. Maybe
>>> initial
>>> sponsorship can come from an organisation like Redhat, Pivotal or
>> Micro
>>> Focus if they are interested. Perhaps companies which used the code
>> base
>>> in
>>> the past like IBM or Oracle.
>>> The entity should ensure they work on the AOO codebase using the ASF
>>> way.
>>> Suminda
>> [orcmid]
>> Another way to interact and support Apache OpenOffice in terms of
>> collaborative contributions is as follows.
>>  1. Establish a downstream producer, TeamX (for example), that provides
>> releases of derivative software based on Apache OpenOffice.
>>  2. Assumption #1: The Apache License Version 2 (ALv2) is honored in the
>> use of Apache OpenOffice source code.  Apache trademark requirements are
>> satisfied in any use as part of the branding of the downstream product.
>>  3. Assumption #2: New code and modifications to the TeamX derivative
>> are also under ALv2.
>>  4. Open-Source Good Citizenship: The ALv2-licensed fixes and repairs
>> are contributed back upstream to Apache OpenOffice.  Components from
>> other sources would, of course, be contributed upstream to those
>> sources.  Contributions and joint concerns might lead to use of the
>> OpenOffice bugzilla as a coordination point.
>>  5. Opportunity.  The business model, organization, and governance of
>> TeamX is not of concern to the ASF.
>>  6. Opportunity.  The Apache Software Foundation requirements beyond
>> honoring of the ALv2 that govern Apache projects serving the public
>> interest do not apply, although TeamX could operate in a harmonious
>> manner.
>>  7. Opportunity. So long as there is clear separation and no comingling
>> in source-code files, TeamX is not constrained from also using code or
>> components from other projects, such as those using licenses such as the
>> MPL or, under appropriate conditions, something like LGPL2, with
>> appropriate honoring of those licenses too.  However, to avoid tainting
>> of upstream source-code contributions back to Apache OpenOffice, there
>> must be careful management of IP and reliance on code (source or binary)
>> under non-ALv2 license (and ALv2 code which is not the original work of
>> TeamX).
>>  8. Opportunity. Depending on how close the operation of TeamX releases
>> remains to that of Apache OpenOffice, especially at the beginning, one
>> can rely on the Apache OpenOffice mediawiki and openoffice.org site in
>> large measure, so long as there is no confusion.  Also, the Apache
>> OpenOffice Community Forums are more ecumenical in how they can provide
>> forum support to OpenOffice.org-lineage ODF-supporting products. How
>> confusion is avoided would need to be worked out, but this provides
>> TeamX time to develop its own support as that ends up having unique
>> requirements.
>> This is not unlike how downstream organizations rely on Apache
>> OpenOffice for specialized distributions (e.g., FreeBSD, OS/2, and
>> Solaris).  There are other Apache projects where the downstream
>> ecosystem is quite robust and the key Apache project deliverable is the
>> source-code release and not so much any end-user binary distributions.
>>  - Dennis
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Kay Schenk
Apache OpenOffice

"Things work out best for those who make
 the best of the way things work out."
                         -- John Wooden

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