On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 8:18 PM, Patricia Shanahan <p...@acm.org> wrote:

> On 3/14/2016 10:49 AM, Oliver Brinzing wrote:
>> Hi Patricia,
>> Has anyone nailed getting e.g. windbg running with AOO on Windows? If so,
>>> I have some questions.
>> better try with vs 2013 community edition 😉
>> I remember I had a lot of trouble with windbg.
> Thanks for the tip - it does work better than windbg.
> However, I seem to have a problem with it not loading all the symbols, so
> I cannot set a breakpoint where I want.
> My general procedure is to build AOO with configure parameter
> --enable-symbols. I unzip the archive version, copy soffice.bin, and rename
> the copy sofficebin.exe.
> In Visual Studio, I do File-Open-Project/Solution and select my
> sofficebin.exe. It seems to do some symbol loading, but not the module I
> want.
> Anyone have any suggestions?
Which module are you trying to debug this way? --enable-symbols only seems
to work for dmake modules, gbuild modules don't get any debug symbols. I
have a preliminary fix.

> Patricia
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