Hello Allison,

In addition to subscribing to the doc mailing list, a possible place of 
interest is the User Guide work on the OpenOffice.org Wiki, at 
<https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/UserGuide>, part of the overall 

The <http://openoffice.apache.org/orientation/intro-doc.html> that Keith 
mentions provides instructions on obtaining an account for editing the Wiki.  
You will need to subscribe to docs@ openoffice.apache.org first.

For other forms of writing, there was a project to produce printable 
documentation that has gone silent, although there were some skeleton drafts.  

Finally, it is important to be conversant with the software itself.  Also, keep 
in mind that, beside the international reach of the OpenOffice community, 87% 
of downloads are for Windows, about 8% are for Macintosh, and the remaining 
4-5% is for all other platforms.


 - Dennis

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Keith N. McKenna [mailto:keith.mcke...@comcast.net]
> Sent: Monday, January 18, 2016 10:14
> To: dev@openoffice.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Introduction
> Allison Nonko wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > My name is Allison and I'm a new volunteer. I live in the Boston area
> and
> > I'm currently trying to break into the technical writing field. I have
> no
> > prior experience and thought contributing to OpenOffice would be a
> great
> > place to get some experience. I'm mostly interested in documentation.
> >
> > Thanks! As a note, I have finished level 1 of the orientation module.
> >
> > Best,
> > Allison
> >
> Greetings Allison;
> Welcome to Apache OpenOffice. If your main interest in volunteering is
> in documentation, you should definitely subscribe to the documentation
> ailing list and read the documentation orientation page at
> http://openoffice.apache.org/orientation/intro-doc.html. The orientation
> page will give you directions on subscribing to the doc mailing list.
> Regards
> Keith N. McKenna

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