Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
I don't understand this.

It seems we had a misunderstanding. This discussion is probably not worth spending a lot of time on. The question I answered was (as I understood it) "Where can I talk to OpenOffice end-users (or power users)?".

Bugzilla is not the answer. Bugzilla is for when tasks are defined.

I don't recall the forums being given the prominence that is suggested here.

Well, where do you find users?

The situation is:
- I am a developer and I want to improve the Find/Replace dialog.
- I need a place to ask people what they would like to see improved in OpenOffice - Developers (or "the dev list") are not the best group, since we aim at reaching non-technical users too.

So, one would spread the message through the blog (which should be used also for these relatively minor announcements, not only for when we make a release; otherwise we can shut down that channel), through the forum and probably, I'll add, to the users list. Not because this is written or codified anywhere, it is just a suggestion.

This very generic question would then get some answers that can be put in Bugzilla as tasks.

Anyway, as I wrote I don't care very much about the process, if things get done I will be happy whatever way.

Should we put FAQ messages on dev@ and users@ describing the desired practice, 
say monthly?

No. I wasn't suggesting anything like this, or anything that justifies this. There is no "practice", just a suggestion about the most useful place to get feedback in this particular case.

I assume blogs are not meant as part of this but as other ways of informing the 
public about something.

Blogs can (should) be used also to tell people what developers are working on. But again: commits are more important than blog posts, so if one has to choose it is bad but acceptable to ignore the blog.

I've never written we should have a discussion on the blog. Just a post like: "Dear users, we are going to improve the Find and Replace dialog. We have some initial suggestions. [list] Feel free to join the discussion on the forum".

That's my problem.  I'm concerned about "verifying consensus" where 
deliberations are elsewhere.

That's the misunderstanding. I was answering the question "How can I get feedback from more people?", nothing to do with project governance or other considerations. It is a trivial question which should be settled with a trivial answer, without involving our governance.

As an example, you can check Andre's work on the sidebar, mostly Bugzilla-driven but with blog posts, forum discussions, wiki pages and occasional updates on the dev list. But really, I'm not inventing or suggesting a practice, I'm just answering a trivial question for this specific case.


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