On 11/21/2015 10:28 AM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
> I don't understand this.
> Issues are a place to provide a tracked account for something
> being worked on with regard to defects, and that includes
> usability matters and even determination of what the defect is,
> if any.  It is the only place where there is a single URL and a
> mailing-list account that fits typical Apache processes.
> I think discussions of these matters on forums is great.  I would
> prefer there to be stronger bidirectional coupling and easy ways
> for people to follow links to specific places on the different
> services.  So if something starts out on Bugzilla, and there is a
> Forum discussion that goes with it or is started from it, they
> should be coupled.
> My concern is that discussions are disconnected from the
> developers who have to decide on what and how action is to be
> taken, the users who report/analyze defect reports, and forum
> threads which may have satisfying conclusions and simply stop
> there.  I am all for greater inclusion.  Let's keep the multiple
> places where the same subject arises connected.

In my limited experience with the Forums, mostly what I've seen is
discussion of a problem, that is then logged with an "issue" through
BZ and a link to the discussion on the Forum as a point of
origination is sometimes included in the issue creation. From what
I've seen, I wouldn't classify these as development discussions,
though developers may have been involved of course.

> I don't recall the forums being given the prominence that is
> suggested here.  Should we put FAQ messages on dev@ and users@
> describing the desired practice, say monthly?   I assume blogs
> are not meant as part of this but as other ways of informing the
> public about something.
> - Dennis
>> -----Original Message----- From: Andrea Pescetti
>> [mailto:pesce...@apache.org] Sent: Friday, November 20, 2015
>> 15:03 To: dev@openoffice.apache.org Subject: Re: Proposed Calc
>> "Find & Replace" dialog enhancements
>> On 16/11/2015 Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
>>> One or more issues should be opened on Bugzilla as well, with
>>> cross-
>> linking to the Forum thread(s).
>>> That's important as a matter of governance.  The Forum
>>> threads are not
>> fully part of the governance and accountability structure of
>> the project.
>> The discussion is brought to the Forum as an initial, open,
>> free, discussion, to gather feedback from users.
>> Decision-making is done on lists but here we are in a
>> "discovery" phase where we simply ask people for feedback, and
>> the right channels for this are the blog and the forum, places
>> where we reach our end-users.
>> Then, in a normal workflow, a proposal should be brought to the
>> dev list to verify consensus, and issues opened on Bugzilla to
>> track development.
> [orcmid] That's my problem.  I'm concerned about "verifying
> consensus" where deliberations are elsewhere.
>> That said, I for one value end result more than the process, so
>> I won't insist on where we should take the various steps; but
>> it's sad to see that nothing gets ever posted to the blog, even
>> though we would have materials for posts.
> [orcmid] The AOO blog is not exactly an easy thing to create
> articles for.  It is definitely not a place for discussion,
> unless we more-actively moderate comments.
>> Regards, Andrea.
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