>From the Chair,

I need to speak up about the "rebasing" business.

 1. Use of the ALv2 has nothing to do with trademarks, so this conversation 
should be on a separate thread.  

 2. However, it probably should not be held here and certainly not privately by 
the PMC.  If someone wants to pursue it, I suggest these observations be 
checked with an authoritative source on a more-appropriate list, perhaps 
legal-discuss.  Absent that, I request that this conversation not go any 

 - Dennis

 - - - - - - - - - - -


 3. Whatever the term "rebase" signified, I think we can all agree that it is 
about a fork (or a "refork: if you prefer).   

 4. At the ASF, forking is a feature.  The only requirement is that the ALv2 
(and any other applicable licenses) be honored.  I know, people can be unhappy 
and will object.   But the ASF position, to the extent one is needed, is 
captured by "forking is a feature."

 5. The ASF *does*not* police the use of ALv2 content by third parties.  The 
ASF prides itself on how it manages third-party and contributed content.  The 
ASF is meticulous about IP provenance.  That is part of the way in which the 
ASF operates in the public interest by being an extraordinary open-source 
citizen.  That is what the ASF does.  It is not about what others might or 
might not do.

 6. It is up to third parties to satisfy themselves that they are operating 
with any incorporated ALv2 code and its derivatives appropriately.  It is not 
the business of the ASF to warrant anything about such activity.  Those who 
wish to reuse and repurpose code from the third party must also satisfy 
themselves.  That has nothing directly to do with the ASF.

 7. Here is further evidence that the ASF is not the ALv2 sheriff over 
third-party reliance and handling of ALv2 code in their works.
  It is perfectly clear that closed-source works that have code dependencies 
  on ALv2 works of others are not required to provide an account to anybody,
  as far as ALv2 license terms go, beyond the appropriate provision of 

 - - - - - -


  I have personally confirmed that a kindred OpenOffice.org-descendant does 
indeed satisfy the LICENSE/NOTICE provisions of the ALv2.  Those files were, in 
fact, easier for me to find in the installed binaries than in installs of 
Apache OpenOffice distributions.

  I have also remarked, in a discussion elsewhere, that I feel the way ALv2 is 
characterized in individual derivative files I've examined is, to my taste, a 
bit sketchy.  However, the observed practice is not unusual and even happens in 
the publishing industry where there tends to be serious attention to rights and 

  I don't think there is a legality question, just my own fussiness, and that 
of some others, in how provenance and attribution is accounted for in our own 
work.  It should be well-known by now that my fussiness threshold is rather 
different than that of many other developers [;<).  

  This does not matter.  I am not an ALv2 cop either.  I can only satisfy 
myself on what I rely on and how I am comfortable that I know enough about its 
provenance to feel safe in doing so. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Louis Suárez-Potts [mailto:lui...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 07:58
To: dev@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: Re: Limiting Trademark Policy Discussion (was RE: [REPORT] PMC 2015-07 
Private-List ...)


> On 29 Aug 15, at 21:13, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:
[ ... ]
> We should (re)acknowledge what (re)based on Apache OpenOffice requires 
> whatever that really is.

[ ... ]

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