With regards to digital signing, we have ‘test’ credits that can be used to 
practice on.


> On 13 Jul 2015, at 9:04 am, jan i <j...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi
> I agree to use this as the overall plan, which of course needs to detailed.
> I do have a comment about digital signing. It is correct than I do not have
> spare
> cycles before mid october.
> Digital signing means in reality white listing the content, which are both
> our
> exe as well as many third part DLLs (some of the libraries are statically
> linked
> and not exposed outside the exe).
> Most of our third party libraries are pretty old (but works well for our
> purpose),
> and some of them have known security isses (not in the parts AOO uses). We
> need to upgrade the libraries that uses a DLL, otherwise we might whitelist
> a
> DLL with known security issues. This process is something we should do
> ahead of every release, and is not as such part of the digital signing, but
> digital
> signing makes it much more important.
> rgds
> jan I.
> On Sunday, July 12, 2015, Marcus <marcus.m...@wtnet.de> wrote:
>> Am 07/12/2015 03:57 PM, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
>>> It's time to decide what goes into 4.1.2 and what doesn't. Not in terms
>>> of specific bugfixes (we have the standard process of nominating release
>>> blockers for this and I don't plan to change it), but in terms of
>>> categories. The following is a realistic list of what we can have in
>>> 4.1.2. Shall we take it as the overall plan for 4.1.2?
>> In general I see it the same way. Some comments inline.
>> 2. Features
>>> * Windows 10: Millions of our users will run Windows 10 within a few
>>> weeks. OpenOffice is reported to work smoothly on Windows 10
>>> pre-releases. Should any major Windows 10 incompatibilities appear, they
>>> should be fixed in 4.1.2.
>> When we want to react on specific bug reports (we should do this in any
>> case as Windows is still the most favorite platform) then we create
>> automatically a release schedule of a few weeks after that date - which is
>> for me late summer. Just to be sure we understand the same.
>> BTW:
>> Release date of Win10 is July, 29th.
>> 3. Localization
>>> * Existing translations: Pootle is now tracking the 4.2.0 release, so
>>> translators do not have an immediate way to fix translations for 4.1.2.
>>> There is a possibility to check whether we can reuse the 4.2.0 strings
>>> for 4.1.2, but due to the version clash I would prefer to fix strings
>>> upon request, in the SDF files directly and only in the case of major,
>>> well-defined bugs (example: the Italian version has a typo in a main
>>> menu item; it is fixed in Pootle for 4.2.0 AND we can edit the SDF file
>>> manually to fix it for the 4.1.x line).
>> This has also the advantage (when we don't get too many change requests)
>> that we know in detail what is changing.
>> Marcus
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> -- 
> Sent from My iPad, sorry for any misspellings.


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