Unfortunately, you haven't told us what the problem is. Just from the copied text there is no hint for a download error.

So, do you still have problems to download AOO? Then please give us some more details.



Am 02/26/2015 09:32 AM, schrieb Владимир Лукьянов:
*Problem description*   *Exchange this text to describe the problem

(What does not work? What do you expect?)*
*Browser variables*     *Values*
navigator.appCodeName   Mozilla
navigator.appName       Netscape
navigator.appVersion    5.0 (Windows)
navigator.platform      Win32
navigator.oscpu         Windows NT 6.1; WOW64
navigator.cpuClass      undefined
navigator.product       Gecko
navigator.productSub    20100101
navigator.language      ru-RU
navigator.browserLanguage       undefined
navigator.userLanguage  undefined
navigator.systemLanguage        undefined
navigator.userAgent     Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:36.0)
Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0
Debian / Ubuntu / IceWeasel ?   No / No / No
*Stable Release*        
*JavaScript functions/variables*        *Values*
Language ISO code       ru
Language ISO code (from select box)     ru
Release matrix platform position (full)         11
Release matrix platform position (lp)   12
Release matrix platform array data      y,130
Release matrix language array data      ru,Russian,Русский,y,ru/
UI platform name        Windows (EXE)
UI platform name (not supported)        
Platform (short)        win32
URL platform name (full)        Win_x86_install
URL platform name (lp)  Win_x86_langpack
URL platform name (from select box)     win32
Version (from select box)       4.1.1
File name (full)        Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.1_Win_x86_install_ru.exe
File name (lp)  Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.1_Win_x86_langpack_ru.exe
File extension  .exe
File size (full) (MByte)        130
File size (lp) (MByte)  13
Release info    Milestone AOO411m6 | Build ID 9775 | SVN r1617669 |
Released 2014-08-21
Download file link (full)

Download file link (lp)

Checksum file link (full) (here for MD5)

Checksum file link (lp) (here for MD5)

Base URL to Sourceforge.net
Base URL to Apache Archive      http://archive.apache.org/dist/openoffice/4.1.1
getLinkSelection() (download URL)       undefined
isLanguageSupported() (true/false) ?    true
Show the sub-box (true/false) ?         true
General error (true/false) ?    false

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