> On 23 Nov 2014, at 10:38 am, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:
> It's Louis on the right, Peter Kelly at the podium, Steve Hathaway (see 
> https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Capstone_2013_Client_Requirements_Document ) 
> in the audience, and I think the hands on the left are Svante Schubert's.
> But the content was much more interesting than pictures, I hope I can put 
> together a short post unless someone else (and this would be welcome!) can 
> take care of it.

Incidentally, I recorded the second and third talks that Louis and I gave and 
have them up now on youtube:

The Corinthia project

Addressing File Format Compatibility in Word Processors

I thoroughly enjoyed the conference and the chance to meet some of you there. 
It was my first ApacheCon and I hope to attend again in the future, next time 
with more to show - we’ll be submitting an incubator proposal for Corinthia 
this week. I also appreciate the insightful feedback we got from those who 
attended the thoughts - there’s a lot of interesting things to think about & 

Dr. Peter M. Kelly

PGP key: http://www.kellypmk.net/pgp-key <http://www.kellypmk.net/pgp-key>
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